My husband was too. I let him to all his own research, it only took a year... he's as vegetarian as they come. If you haven't dipped in both worlds... I have no comment.
As for the date!!! Take her up on the offer pusssss... if she doesn't do any of the following, take her out again.
- Preach about animals and animal cruelty
- Make you uncomforatable for choosing a non-veg meal
- Ask annoying questions why you choose to eat meat
- Lecture you about what goes on at farm factories
Your too cute!!! Eat what ever you want. If she respects you and your choices, it shouldn't be a problem.
Fondu is funky way of eating dinner. You heat up a fondu pot which is a mini crock pot... we had a cheese fondu. So we dipped our veggies in the cheese... the cheese cooks whatever your eating. It's hard to explain.
Anyway... I can't wait to hear all about your date.
As for the date!!! Take her up on the offer pusssss... if she doesn't do any of the following, take her out again.
- Preach about animals and animal cruelty
- Make you uncomforatable for choosing a non-veg meal
- Ask annoying questions why you choose to eat meat
- Lecture you about what goes on at farm factories
Any of the above, have fun!
Fondu is funky way of eating dinner. You heat up a fondu pot which is a mini crock pot... we had a cheese fondu. So we dipped our veggies in the cheese... the cheese cooks whatever your eating. It's hard to explain.
Anyway... I can't wait to hear all about your date.
What's a typical day for you anyway?