What do you do when you can;t make your pain go away...What do you do when you can't stop your heart from hurting. What do you do when EVERYTHING in your life feels wrong....why can't I just get over myself...But when your life feels like its worth nothing...how do you save it? how do you keep from eating a bullet...how do you keep the blades out of your wrists....I look at my life and I see nothing but a black hole that drained everyone around me....I see myself using people...I see the monster inside sneaking out and hurting me...and everyone around me...I know this will make no sense...but I just don't know what to do....I seriously have no clue how to move on...I have no job....no money..nothing....not one single light in my life...I throw myself into games and this website...hoping that it will be ok....but its just getting worse....I can't do this anymore...I don't even want to type this....I don't know when I will blog again...of if I will...but I just want you all to know you are wonderfull people...may god send his love and grace to each of you...may he camp his angles around you and protect you all from harm and pain....May each of your lives be full and blessed with the richness that each and everyone of you deserves....may you all prosper....Good night and good luck....
You deserve so much kevin, and I really really hope that someday you see that. You are so supportive with everyone that you come across on here, I remember the first night I met you, you totally focused on me, and tried to help me with my 'boy' problem and you were so self sacrificing, that takes a great person to do that.
YOu are a good person, your just not allowing yourself to see it...you have always been a warm and caring person, to not only me, but to Avi, and many other people here as well...you need to realize that there is good in you, and just focus on that.