if anyone knows halo.....they know this is not evil.....
my uncle thinks it is....this from the same person who thinks harry potter was written to make children want to be witches....OH OH OH....and furbies are bewitched by a secret coven of witches to make money....
ok...you all know I have some BIG issues going right now. So my dellima is I am debating on enlisting in the army for a 2 year stint...and reup into the airforce....
i wish i could tell you what to do.
but that definitely a decision you have to make for yourself, and not to be taken lightly! thats a life changing decision.
Ok...should I move to florence, If the job doesn't call me back to try to get on up there? the pay is almost 9 an hour... or should i stick it out here?
What do you do when you can;t make your pain go away...What do you do when you can't stop your heart from hurting. What do you do when EVERYTHING in your life feels wrong....why can't I just get over myself...But when your life feels like its worth nothing...how do you save it? how do you keep from eating a bullet...how do you keep the blades... Read More
You deserve so much kevin, and I really really hope that someday you see that. You are so supportive with everyone that you come across on here, I remember the first night I met you, you totally focused on me, and tried to help me with my 'boy' problem and you were so self sacrificing, that takes a great person to do that.
YOu are a good person, your just not allowing yourself to see it...you have always been a warm and caring person, to not only me, but to Avi, and many other people here as well...you need to realize that there is good in you, and just focus on that.
However, a new released Jazz toy from Hasbro and Target with the G1 colors, has a description on Jazz's possible future: "During the long process of being rebuilt by AUTOBOT RATCHET, there was a lot of time to think. AUTOBOT JAZZ digs his Earth vehicle form, but the silver paint job had always... Read More