i am defiently going insane at the moment.. the last two weeks have been one of the most insane times of my life.. both work and everything wise...?!?!? ................

The next 10 days are going to be crazy!! I have to make sure everything is ready for the photos for the Beserk Clothing range II catalogue, which is now 1 day away, i will be in some of the photos along with the lurvely .. sonni, kate and terese!!

HEADQUARTERS.................. This is one of the new decline skirt designs........speechless evil..

........I am having to deal with way too much crazy stuff in my life!?!?
Seriously I am sure sex has been programmed in everyone to destroy out lives and keep us oppressed!.. Does everyone have relationship sex issues??!

i think i have turned into an insane crazy violent grrl at the moment..

I am prone to late night insane crazy psyotic attacks at the moment:?!? A couple of nights a week I will scream, or abuse cam in my sleep, and have full freakouts.....

The other night I was screaming at the top of my lungs that they were killing the puppies.. then I went to my sock drawer which was open right next to my bed and I grabbed all the socks in my arms, that were rolled up in balls and screamed to look at all the dead puppies... then I threw them down, jumped off the bed and ran and hid behind it and started screaming and crying hysterically saying that all the puppies were dead.... this is when I remember waking up to Cam telling me there were no puppies and not to worry.. then i went back to sleep...

how hot is this statue of Rei?

I have such an obsession with To do lists.. I normally have about 5 going at once.. then I condense them onto one list and them make another 5 or so.. it is crazy.. but is the only way I can get things done.... i defiently couldnt live without my to do list..

I bought a new Little Apple Dollsll!! http://littleappledolls.co.uk/ .. she is cool.. I fucking love Little Apple Dolls there is the most beautiful double box set that I want to get?!? Not that I should be spending any money really, because I am currently ridiculously broke because of Beserk....... but, well.. I want her and I always get what I want.. hahah..... I think it is an only child thing.........!

Stormy left

I hope everyone is doin well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and again sorry i haven't written back to anyone!!.. but please write to me and I will write back when I get my life back I promise!!!!!!! .......


Visit my website!!.... .. Beserk Clothing
Sign up for an account in the Beserk Webstore and receive a free Beserk Sticker & Badge pack like the ones above. (Australian addresses only) sorry!!


cute/dark/evil skirt, t-shirt, tops, beserk uniform, 1 buttons + exclusive items
Beserk Clothing RANGE#2 website up soon with the new designs.
love and fucking. i keep em in two different boxes and leave it at that. i've loved hardly anyone and fucked too many someones. happiness is something i find in the moment and love is a long term goal i'm just not willing to work at cause it will comprimise my hedonistic, fist fucker of a happiness. hell now, i'm rambling.

hey just tried to email you and it didnt work, my servage email doesnt seem to be working either????????? finally have www.builttorock.biz up, am planning on some new designs shortly, and heads up as far a scheap suppliers would be very appreciated