I am in Blunt Magazine this month!!


So everything is coming together for the Beserk Clothing Range #2 and everything is actually going well for a change?!?.. but I really shouldnt say that or I will jinx myself......

If you want a FREE copy of the Beserk mini catalogue when it is finished plus some free stickers open an account on my Webstore!! I will be sending out Beserk Promo packs to everyone with accounts just as soon as I receive the catalogues back from the printers so you can see a preview of the new range..!!!

I have started on the NEIS program last week.. which is like a government funded grant for $10,000, that, if you get approved, is given to you on a weekly basis over a year.. It will be fucking excellent if I am approved.. I wont have to worry about paying my rent & bills for the next year and will be able to concentrate more on my business. Except I have to get up at 7.50am 2 days a week to go.. I NEVER get up that early!!.. getting up early is defiantly one of my most hated things.. I am a total bitch in the morning..... I would much rather work late and get up around midday.. But the best thing about the course is that it is next to my most favourite lunch place in the world.. MYO (Make Your Own).. seriously this place fucking rules.. you choose from all these rolls, I always have a bagel - plus swiss cheese, and all these other cheese, this amazing avocado spread with something else in it which takes fucking good and sundried tomato pesto, corn, tomato, all these other pestos and sauces and capers... it is the best..

I went to the NIN concert the other night.. and i was fucking excellent.. seriously he played every single one of my favourite songs and played heaps from the old albums... Cam was sweet enough to buy me a ticket.. except we could only get seating which was kind sad.. I have been in love with Trent Reznor since Broken came out when I was in high school.. like over 10 years ago.. (now I am showing my age)... But Trent Reznor is pure sex and always will be..

hmmm... what else has been happening?!? I love my new place, it is so much easier running Beserk from here, instead of taking me 2 1/2 hours to drive to my manufacturer, it now takes 30 minutes.... um.. I saw a crow die last night..

I oh, so want to play World of Warcraft at the moment.. i now have broadband

I have the hairiest pussy at the moment i have had in years.. hahah.. i keep forgetting to get waxed!!.. and i am so anti-hair, it is freaking me out... i think I might get some type of shape waxed in though... Hmmm. What shape to get though?? I want to get a heart, but that seems to cutesy or something.. I really want a skull.. but I dont think that would work...... ?!?!

Well I had better get back to working.. I have to sort out some more t-shirts to take to the printers tomorrow.. sorry I havent had a chance to write to anyone yet!!!!!!!!

Hope you are doin well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


**Open a FREE Account in my webstore and receive a Beserk pack in the mail in early october with beserk stickers + the new mini catalogue for the Beserk Range II** available to australia only

[Edited on Sep 25, 2005 3:41PM]
See friends thread for details.