I got a new tattoo yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!
........ it is a picture of Chi from Chobits.. it is fucking cool and I LOVE it!!
.. I still have to go and get some colour in it and maybe add a few more cherry blossoms.. but here are photos..................
Plus new hair.. black and red.. I was sick of the blonde.. I like black and red.. I put some new pics up in my candid pics as well......
* * *
So it has all been happening lately.. !! I am going to be on TV for Australian Idol.. hahah.. fuck that is going to be embarrassing.. ! It was filmed two days ago at Westside Tattoos.... I have never actually seen Australian Idol.. I am not really a big fan of those reality TV shows... But the reason I am on there is cause this really lurvely girl Tarni that practices at Cams band practise rooms entered Australian Idol and she made it to the top 20 people out of 20000 or something, which is pretty crazy... she bought some of my clothing from Beserk and she really loves my stuff and she has been wearing it to the auditions and the Australian Idol people really love it and they were filming a feature on her for the show and wanted me to be in it and have her trying on a few outfits and me talking about her style and stuff.. haha.. it was so embarrassing.. I am so not a TV person.. I had no idea what to say and it was so bad!!.. so everyone has to vote for Tarni on Australian Idol.. and watch out cause I am going to be on there soon!!.. :embarrassed:
The Beserk Clothing Webstore is FINALLY finished!!!
.... I cant believe it is finally finished.. I found someone who made it for me for a really good price using the OSCommerce system .. So finally I have a working shopping cart and easy ordering system!!
.. I am not selling the items from the first range, just the t-shirts and 1" buttons.. although I will be selling random skirts and dresses etc. that I have from designs that are discontinued and extras that I get printed that are not part of the my range!.. Hopefully I will have a section for photos soon, but for now it still just has the graphics from my website..! click here if you want to have a look..
Plus order deadline was yesterday for my second clothing range for Beserk Clothing.. I have about 16 orders now.. but I know there are quite a few more shops that say they are going to place orders they are just LATE..!! as always.. so it looks like I will have to extend the deadline, but I have accommodated for this happening for this range, so hopefully everything will run to plan and I wont be a month late getting the orders in the shops this time!... I have to start organizing the photos for the catalogue soon.. which I have never done before.. but it should be a great way to show everyone all the designs!!.........They dont hit the shops until October this year... so there is still awhile to get everything organized!!
Still haven't found a place to live!!
.. ARGH! i so need somewhere to live!!
Hmmmm.. so what else has been happening.. ?!?! well I am actually on crutches at the moment ...
To cut a long story short.. It happened at a fucked up club last weekend.. we were all out drinking and a friend of mine went up to some girl to pay her a compliment.. anyway the boyfriend of the girl got pissed off and yelled at him and they were friends with the bouncers so they got my friend kicked out. Cam then went up this girl and said how fucked it was that all he did was pay her a compliment and they got him kicked out.. the boyfriend stepped in again and told cam to get away from his girlfriend, then he pushed him, cam pushed back, the guy threw a punch and well it was all on from there, then 4 other guys decided to join in for the fight.. so there was 5 guys on cam, so I figured that I had better do something so I went in trying to kick and punch these fuckers.. I have no idea if I got any good punches or kicks in.. it was all such a blur.. but I do know that my brand new white Lipservice straightjacket got totally trashed!!
.. fucking bastards!.. I have tried to bleach and use every stain remover possible and I cant get rid of the marks!
.. anyway.. so these bastards were throwing punches at me and then they were holding me down in the corner and they stood on my foot and pushed me over and it fucking hurt and now my foot is fractured! I went and got x-rays the other day and they said that they could put a plaster on it for me, but it isnt too bad so it would probably be best for me to just try to keep weight off it and it will heal in a few weeks!!.. my first fight!!
I am so proud.. hahahha.. Cam was luckily ok.. just bruises and scratches.. and I was ok apart from the foot, but it could have been way worse...
So I am going to take a new set soon! I have it all planned.. just have to wait for something to arrive in the post!!
I really want to learn how to NOT have a gag reflex?!?! is that possible??.. i think i would give way better head if I could deep throat without gagging.. damn it...?!?
hahaha... no really does anyone know how to stop the gag reflex??..
Finally some time to write to everyone before my life gets totally crazy!!.. have to fully start organizing the manufacturing for the next range now!..
Hope you are all doin well and happy and everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus new hair.. black and red.. I was sick of the blonde.. I like black and red.. I put some new pics up in my candid pics as well......
* * *
So it has all been happening lately.. !! I am going to be on TV for Australian Idol.. hahah.. fuck that is going to be embarrassing.. ! It was filmed two days ago at Westside Tattoos.... I have never actually seen Australian Idol.. I am not really a big fan of those reality TV shows... But the reason I am on there is cause this really lurvely girl Tarni that practices at Cams band practise rooms entered Australian Idol and she made it to the top 20 people out of 20000 or something, which is pretty crazy... she bought some of my clothing from Beserk and she really loves my stuff and she has been wearing it to the auditions and the Australian Idol people really love it and they were filming a feature on her for the show and wanted me to be in it and have her trying on a few outfits and me talking about her style and stuff.. haha.. it was so embarrassing.. I am so not a TV person.. I had no idea what to say and it was so bad!!.. so everyone has to vote for Tarni on Australian Idol.. and watch out cause I am going to be on there soon!!.. :embarrassed:

The Beserk Clothing Webstore is FINALLY finished!!!

Plus order deadline was yesterday for my second clothing range for Beserk Clothing.. I have about 16 orders now.. but I know there are quite a few more shops that say they are going to place orders they are just LATE..!! as always.. so it looks like I will have to extend the deadline, but I have accommodated for this happening for this range, so hopefully everything will run to plan and I wont be a month late getting the orders in the shops this time!... I have to start organizing the photos for the catalogue soon.. which I have never done before.. but it should be a great way to show everyone all the designs!!.........They dont hit the shops until October this year... so there is still awhile to get everything organized!!
Still haven't found a place to live!!

Hmmmm.. so what else has been happening.. ?!?! well I am actually on crutches at the moment ...

So I am going to take a new set soon! I have it all planned.. just have to wait for something to arrive in the post!!

I really want to learn how to NOT have a gag reflex?!?! is that possible??.. i think i would give way better head if I could deep throat without gagging.. damn it...?!?

Finally some time to write to everyone before my life gets totally crazy!!.. have to fully start organizing the manufacturing for the next range now!..
Hope you are all doin well and happy and everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've got a bit of a hard on for red and black, but like Chilli, I couldn't be bothered with the upkeep and so back to plain old black it is. I don't even know my real hair colour anymore.
I was just looking in Oz SG group and you mentioned SG's possibly doing some waitressing work or something of the kind at Ding Dong's in Melbourne for a burlesque DVD release... any further word on that...?!?!?!
I'm interested to hear how it went, or when it is, if SG's are still required etc, etc...
Anyway, would appreciate any info if you have it, perhaps check out my entry on your thread in Oz SG if you get a chance.