So the next range for
Beserk Clothing is all finished... finally..

..I am currently in the process of sending out all the new catalogues to the shops... not sure if I like it yet ..... I am getting all the samples made at the moment so I can start taking the photos for the catalogue.. I am going to be super organized for this range with a catalogue and a full advertising campaign and everything!!....... so look out for Beserk Clothing!.......
here is one of the new t-shirt designs, i will post some more soon..........
So I made it to Melbourne... just! ..

My plane left at 6.00 on Monday morning, well the plane I was supposed to catch left at 6.00, I actually missed it by 5 minutes and had to pay $50 to get on the next plane... which was late by 40 min. cause there was heavy fog at the airport, I missed out on any goodbye sex cause we were running so late... then my brand new suitcase broke, the handle fell off and it didnt close properly...and it was so fucking heavy for some reason I could hardly lift it... then I missed my connecting bus to get to the hostel and because it was a public holiday I had to wait 2 hours for the next one. I stayed out all night on the Sunday, I decided there was no point in sleeping for a couple of hours then getting up, but I had planned on going back and having a shower and getting changed before the flight, but no time, so I had to leave wearing the same clothes I had on all night and still had my makeup on and still eeeiiinnngg and stoned... hahaha.. damn drugs making me loose track of time and making me run late... but I figure I had to celebrate getting the next range finished.. and it was a fun adventure anyways........
I stayed at a backpackers hostel for the first few nights... I am too poor to stay at a hotel, or well not really, I just dont see the point in wasting money at a hotel when it is like of the price at a hostel and it is fine....... I would rather spend the extra money on clothes...

I was fucking exhausted by the time I got to the hostel..... so I slept all day then decided I had better get up and kill some time instead of sleeping through and waking up at some annoying hour like 3.00 in the morning and not being able to get back to sleep.. So I went to the movies and saw Mr & Mrs Smith.. damn it, I dont know why.. the sexiness of Angelina jolie and brad pitt with guns beating each other up and then fucking appealed to me..... and it was hot, I love violence and damn angelina is fucking sexy.... so I enjoyed it, for about 20 minutes.. then I realized what I was in for and how long I would have to sit there and watch the movie for!!..hahah.. but it was ok I guess.. lighthearted shit..
I dont remember the last time I actually wore pajamas to bed...... I soo hate wearing pajamas, but sleeping naked in a hostel probably isnt a good idea.. I normally sleep naked or with undies....... I dont understand why the fuck people wear clothes to bed.. seriously you have to wear clothes all day all the time, why the hell would you wear them to bed??...........
I have decided that I want to sell my used undies.... hahah.. no really, how fucking cool would it be to wear new undies everyday and make money selling them..

especially cause I have a new underwear fetish.... I could think of nothing better.. and apparently there is a huge market for it out there.. I want to set up a website called and have girls selling their undies.. and have pics and info on them and then you can bid on their undies.. haha.. I will never do it but it would rule anyway. I dont quite understand the fascination with buying used girls undies... wouldnt the smell disappear after awhile??

I recently read on some weird bidding site some girl selling her undies and she had thrush and she was asking for heaps of $$ and more than the other ones....ewwwww.. it freaks me out just thinking about it........ ewwww.. so they are apparently under demand... some other girl was asking for the guys to send photos of them selves and with the winning bidders photo she will look at it and whack off and think about him.. they went for a pretty high price as well.. I have heard girls say that they have got $200 for a pair.. that is fucking good money.. So if you want to buy my undies just let me know... hahahahah....

..why is it that when I say I want to sell my undies people think I am gross and blahblah.. whatever.. seriously .. I am dddiiiirrrtyyyy anyways...........

so fuck yalll.. meh.. i just want to wear new undies everyday!
I just bought a white straight jacket from lipservice plus a sexxyyy blue cop dress.. I am really getting into white at the moment...not sure why.. my wardrobe is totally full of black clothes......... I think I need a change... i have decided lipservice rules.....
I am getting a new tattoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am booked in for 1.00 on Monday at
Westside Tattoo.. it is a pic of chi from chobits without her ears or well the are actually computer input ports, on my forearm with cherry blossoms around her......... yah for new ink!! Finally.. so next journal I shall post pics!!!!.... .fuck yes.... i can't wait!!!

.. have a lurvely day!!
~~ MY CLOTHING COMPANY -- Beserk Clothing ===>

You're pretty beautiful and I might buy a shirt off ya but have you or thought of dyeing your hair green?