Only 5 days until I go to Melbourne..... which means only 5 more days to finish designing the next clothing range for Beserk...... FUCK!!..

But I am looking forward to going to Melbourne.. will be good to get away from brisbane for awhile with Cam and catch up with some friends down there..... I am mainly going there on a business trip to find some more shops to stock Beserk Clothing, but that basically consists of me walking around all the shops finding suitable stores to approach so it will be fun! ..

I promise I will write back to everyone soooonnn... just as soon as I have this range all finished and all the catalogues sent out to all the shops and everything is a little more normal in my life..................
anyway... nothing interesting here..all I can think at the moment.. is.. would that be a good clothing design?.. hey maybe I can use that on a skirt?.. am... defiently... going... insane.... i had better get back to work.. !! ........
hope y'all are well and happy!!!!!!! kisses...


~~ MY CLOTHING COMPANY -- Beserk Clothing ===>

Hey Suga. Had lots of fun meeting you. HeHe
I got my job and been working like a bitch!
I had the worsthangover too and when I went for my interview the guy asked if I was ok. But it was fun. Crazy that you knew Will and yeahhim and Steve were good friends I actully lived with Steve for a while. Small Brisbane huh. Take care.

good to meet you too,brief as it was.