I am back! ... I have finally sent out all my orders for Beserk Clothing!! Holy fuck I cant believe it... I just delivered the last two orders yesterday.... plus the festival -Children of the Swarm- I was helping organize is now over and I am now free!!! And I am ONLY 4 weeks late in sending the Beserk range to the shops.... ..through no fault of my own.. I have had soo many screenprinting dramas.. but it is all sorted now.. I was going to buy World of Warcraft today to celebrate cause I am a nerd, but I dont have cable internet connection yet.. so I have to wait.. maybe I will buy the Diablo II expansion... lol..
this is a photo of the courier picking up some of my orders!!... you don't realise how fucking happy I was to see them go..........
So the next Beserk range is underway, I have a few new designs.. but I figure before I really get into it all I will have a couple of weeks holidays, find a place to live and relax and then start finding some new shops to sell the Beserk wares and send out the new catalogue to all my stockists.... We did a Beserk photoshoot for my website FINALLY the other day with all the new designs and mini skirts.. it was me and the sexy Sonni and Kate as models.. it was fun and will hopefully turn out well... we also did some photos of some LipService stuff.. but next time I want to be drunk, so I can relax more.. hahah.. I hate having to pose, LOL.. even though I am an SG.... I will be seeing the photos on Monday and I will post some pictures on here when I get them back.......
Dyed my hair again... it is black at the sides and blonde on top... I wish I could decide on how to have my hair... hmmmm.... is there ever a journal entry when I dont say that..??!
Haha.. didnt I just say that I hated posing.. no really.. I am such a poser..... plus i really need a new profile pic cause i don't look like that now..
I am signed up for the word a day mailout ... I love learning new words.. I used to read the dictionary, although you can't really tell by how i write. .. but my most favourite words lately were Spoonerism & obloquy..
obloquy OB-luh-kwee, noun:
1. Strongly condemnatory or abusive language or utterance.
2. The condition of disgrace suffered as a result of public
blame, abuse, or condemnation; ill repute.
spoonerism SPOO-nuh-riz-uhm, noun:
The transposition of usually initial sounds in a pair of
words. Some examples:
* It is kisstomary to cuss ["customary to kiss"] the bride.
* Is the bean dizzy ["dean busy"]?
* Let me sew you to your sheet ["show you to your seat"].
5 Good things ::
- I am stoned....
- I am getting extremely drunk tonight!!
- All my orders are in the shops!!! .... if you are in Australia.. check out my stockists and have a look at the Beserk range!! i really have to update that page cause there are more now..!
- I love working for myself and my business is going fucking well... plus i love working in the clothing industry... m/
- I am on 2 weeks holidays!!!! Finally time to write to everyone on here, find a house and sit around and do nothing.... and get wasted anyway possible...
- I have been watching Arrested Development.. it is my favourite show at the moment........ but i can't work out if i think portia deRossi (or however you spell her name) is hot or not..
(i listed 6 good things.. i am trying to be more positive these days... haha..)
5 Bad things ::
- I am stoned.. ok yeah, I also listed this in the good things.. I dont know if that is good or bad thing...
- I am not going to Japan now till later in the year.......... ... so no shopping for me unless I go by myself... but I am defiantly going to go this year....
- I still havent found a place to live.. not that I have had a chance to really look lately.. hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will find somewhere..
- Sex and relationships are way too hard.. does this also seem to be a recurring theme for me??... after so much relationship crap and jealousy with sex we were going to go to a swingers club last week............. just to see what they were like.. but after looking on the internet it seemed to confirm my beliefs that they are for older people and looked way too seedy or something...... so I defiantly dont want to go there.. and picking up couples seems almost impossible.. but seriously sex seems to be fucking up my life..
- Apparently Cookie Monster is going healthy... WTF?? They cant mess with my childhood like that!! .. poor Cookie Monster... Is this right.. are we seriously at the point where we cant even have a puppet on a kids show that eats cookies cause there are so many damn fat lazy kids.. I used to watch Sesame Street and Cookie Monster was my favourite, maybe parents should be not allowing their children to spend so much damn time in front of computers and tvs and playstations.. damn them for messing with Cookie Monster like that!! i don't like change..
Ok.. now I have to ask this question.. I have been having ongoing dramas due to something I did awhile back and I have to ask..... Basically I am interested to know what guys think about their girlfriends kissing girls?? would you consider it the same as if they had kissed a guy??
I did actually ask this question awhile ago.. but i don't think i worded it right.. and after a few 'fuck you no-one else thinks like that' comments recently in arguements.. I just want to hear some other opinions. I personally think that it is different.. and if a girl kisses a girl or a guy kisses a guy then it doesn't mean that they are not necessarily happy with their current relationship because it is something they can't get with their current partner of the opposite sex... Apparently because i kissed a girl I shouldn't be in the current relationship I am in cause i cheated and obviously i want to be with a girl.. when i don't... just sometimes.. haha. .. ok yes this is fucking confusing.
ok.. sorry for the long entry.. i haven't written here for awhile and i guess i am making up for lost time...
I need to take a new set now... i just need to work out what theme to use... give me some ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was going to do a Japanese school girl set and I recently bought a uniform and desk and everything.. but i don't know where to do it.. i need a classroom type area..
Ok.. I now I promise am going to write back to everyone over the next couple of days!!!!!!!!! i have been soo slack.
I am going to get oh so drunk tonight.. it is my celebratory -- I am kicking ass in my business drinks.. haha... seeya lurvlies......
~~ MY CLOTHING COMPANY -- Beserk Clothing ===>
Okay - I'll give you feedback from what my husband has said to me about girl-girl kissing, he says it doesn't matter because a girl is not his competition. So if I kissed a girl he doesn't worry. Boys are bad and swinging neither of us could take - we've delved into all possibilities.
Hope to see you around sometime!