Only 10 days left until my entire range has to be finished before my sydney and melbourne trip! argh! ... I did some screenprinting this weekend to trial out some designs on some skirts and dresses.. some of the designs turned out pretty well!! screenprinting is such a bastard of a job though.. i was getting paint on everything.. i will post some pics of my designs soon.. i have to get a professional photographer to take some photos for my catalogue so they will look all nice and pretty!!
I am FINALLY going to get my hair cut this week.. and i will defiently post some pics.. i have been putting it off for so long.. plus i am going to go back to red.. although blonde is so much easier to look after, i am so bored with it.. but i hate getting red dye on everything.. why can't someone invent an actual permanent hair colour already!!.. geez..
I got my new shoes this weekend.. they are soo hot.. black stillettos... mmm.. they will go well with my next set idea.. Plus I got a pair of cute red stockings with bows at the top... i lurve internet shopping!! tis always so much more fun to receive stuff in the post!!!!
I had a full body exfoliation last week and it was so fucking nice! I had to get fully nekkid and then this lady exfoliated my body, then i had a seaweed paste painted all over and wrapped in plastic with hot towels put all over me, then i had to lie there for half an hour.. then she washes off all the seaweed and gives you a massage then rubs in a moisturisor.. my skin felt soo soft afterwards.. i think i am going to go and get them regularly.. it was soo good!!!
I had a fun night at the gold coast on friday night.. I went and stayed up there with some friends and saw cams band razorhurst play.. everyone was soo drunk.. it was a fuckin funny night.. we all stayed in a seedy hotel that defiently would have rates by the hour i am sure.. but it was cheap and cute.. and i love seedy dodgy motels!! ..
i would so love to travel around america and stay in all weird motels.. you always see such cool places in movies and such.. if anyone knows of or has been to any cool/seedy/dodgy/weird motels i want to hear about them!!
siara random sex act #1 -- when i was in year 11 on work experience i went to a law firm in brisbane (for some reason i used to want to be a lawyer - seems fucking weird now) anyway i had to hang out with this guy for the week, he was the delivery/general office guy and he was fucking hot and about 28, i was 16 and i was supposed to help him around the office.. we had to take deliveries of documents to law firms around brisbane -- at one place we were going up in the elevator and out of nowhere he pushed the stop button, grabbed me and started kissing me, took off his pants then pulled up my skirt and undies and started fucking me.. it was great. i love being overpowered and used.. the elevator was beeping the whole time cause of the emergency stop, we were fucking for about 5 minutes then he came, pushed the button to start the elevator and we never spoke about it for the rest of the week.. it was fucking weird and fucking good.. i think it was about the third time i had ever had sex..
anyway.....i have to go and design a new business card.. I have a fax now! YAH.. um.. yes i get excited over small things.. LOL
my website.. ~beserk clothing~... ---->
EDITED .. 27th august ..
I have had to ban myself from SG for the next week!!...... only 5 more days to go until i my range must be completed and still soo much to do... so i will be missing in action for awhile.. promise I will write when i have time!!!!!!!!!
Things are working out ok, thank you...can't complain.
So what's it like having a country as a continent?