
Sorry I havent written to anyone lately...

I have been soo busy.. I set a deadline for myself to get my company up and running, so i took a week off work... banned myself from this website.. (otherwise every time i am on the computer i get NO work done

)... and spent the week by myself.. so this week went better than last week, but only just.. but i am not going to complain again.. cause i am getting there slowly.
So I am looking after my parents house while they are away on holidays this week (which is also why i took the week off).. its soo good having a whole house to myself.. it is getting so hot over here now its summer.. so i can walk around in my undies all day!

... they own a strawberry farm and I fucking HATE strawberries.. my mum used to work on strawberry farms before we had one, so i would have to go and wait after school with all the other kids waiting for their mums.... and there was always mean older boys who would get all the rotten strawberries and chase you around the patches throwing them at you then catch you and squash them all in my face and hair....

bastards.. so i have bad memories of strawberries...
I got a new digital camera..

yah..!! it is 5.1 megapixels and it is funkin cool! I lurve it.. but I tried to do a new set but it didn't work out.. the pics mainly came out fuzzy and unfocused, i think it was on the wrong setting.. but i am going to do another set really soon.. i put up some of the pics in my candids if ya want to take a look..
Have an excellent weekend!!

i thought i saw you today, must've been that clone of yours