Went and saw Kill Bill last night which was funkin awesome! tarantino is my hero

Livid was excellent!!.. we ended up scoring some vip bar passes so I got kinda drunk!!

Got my embroidery machine today finally.. so i am going to play with it now.. i have a skull design i want to try out.. wah this will be fun!..

Have a lurvely week!!


my boa is between 2-3 years old, and i've had him for about 10 months - maybe a year now.
he was abused and malnourished when i got him, so it stunted his growth. he's only between 5 and 6 feet long.
but im getting him bigger! he just ate 2 huge rats last night, and looks like a little porker right now.
he's a total asshole, completely unhandle-able. personality of a garbage disposal. but he sure is pretty.