Arggh!!! i feel sick!!..
i had an insane crazy weekend.. i got home from work on monday after feeling like shit all day and having the worst headache ever... went to bed at 7.00 and slept until 4.00 the next day.. then woke up with a swollen sore throat and a killer headache.. went back to bed and slept for another 12 hours... so I have been in bed for the past 36 hours...
my head is fuckin killing me and i can barely swallow cause my throat hurts soo much.. i am about to go back to bed..
.. I just wanted to write a quick entry to let you all know i am still alive.. barely.. but still alive..
i promise i will reply to everyones lurvely messages just as soon as i am able to think properly... argh!.. damn this sickness!!!
to y'all!!!

i had an insane crazy weekend.. i got home from work on monday after feeling like shit all day and having the worst headache ever... went to bed at 7.00 and slept until 4.00 the next day.. then woke up with a swollen sore throat and a killer headache.. went back to bed and slept for another 12 hours... so I have been in bed for the past 36 hours...

i promise i will reply to everyones lurvely messages just as soon as i am able to think properly... argh!.. damn this sickness!!!


mmmm, not liking the new look on here