Ok.. time for another Siara update..

I am soo glad that everyone that got my stickers liked them!! Thanks for putting them up and around for me!.. you guys are the best!

I had an excellent productive week with my clothing company Beserk... I finally got up the courage to tell the manufacturer I was using that I had found someone else... I have been putting it off for ages cause I felt bad cause she has been helping me so much and giving me cheap prices, but she was soo fucking slow. So I went in & got back all my patterns and half done samples that she has been working on for months and took it to the new company who said they will have them all completed by next week! ..

I decided i want to buy one of those rabbit vibrators.. like the one from sex & the city my vibrator sucks... it is broken and when you use it, it stops working at really annoying timesits like oh yeah.. about to cum and then you move it in a direction so the batteries fuck up and then it stops working..argh!! hehe...

I have got a $50 tattoo voucher that i have had for ages that expires in a couple of weeks.. so i have to think of a design to get.. i want one on my wrist.. but i can't think of anything.. but i just can't pass up a free tattoo!!
I finally put up some candid pics.. some of them are from a set that I didnt submit.. and a fuzzy one of my tattoo when i first had it done..
Anyways.. hope you all have an ultra lurvely week


Your new candids are adorable!