Wah!!.. my tooth hurt, everytime I eat chocolate or sugar, one of my teeth fuckin kills!!
.. I am going to try to get an appointment at the dentist today which will suck, but at least I am able to have the laughing gas if I have to get a filling.. otherwise I dont think I would ever go.. I hate the noise of that drill.. argh.. But my dentist is good, he keeps asking me if the gas is working and I tell him I need more and he turns it up, then I can lie there totally wasted trying to imagine I am any place in the world except there..
I saw the movie tape last night which was really interesting.. if you have seen it I am interested in hearing your opinion cause my boyfriend and I both have different opinions on whether she was actually raped or not, I think she was and has convinced herself that it wasnt rape and he thinks she wasnt.. anyways, It is done by the same guy that did waking life... which is a fucking amazing movie that you should see if you havent seen it before.
Going to meet up with the guy that makes my patterns for Beserk tomorrow and get him to make me a manga school uniform.. Ive been looking around to buy the items to piece one together.. and its just not happening.. and I want one like reis cause she is damn hot!
I just realised that I dont really know that much about some of you that I talk to.. and I would like to get to know you more.. so um.. here are some questions some of them are pretty standard.. but hey I dont know the answers in a lot of cases and I want to get to know you guys better!!
Where do you work or what do you study?? .. work - graphic design 3 days a week at a naturopathic company, rest of the time getting my clothing company happening..
What do you really want to do with your life??
.. have a kick ass clothing company that gets me rich, after that.. i don't know..
What do you think are the evils of the world??
.. multi-national corporations, organised religion & the government..
I like sex..? .. rough, hard, fast & dirty with no missionary thanks
Ultimate guy & grrl sexual partner?? .. johnny depp, Angelina jolie (damn it how predicable am i..) or maybe rei anaynami
They are my first questions.. I am going to ask more next time.. so if you want to answer them then you rule, and if not

I saw the movie tape last night which was really interesting.. if you have seen it I am interested in hearing your opinion cause my boyfriend and I both have different opinions on whether she was actually raped or not, I think she was and has convinced herself that it wasnt rape and he thinks she wasnt.. anyways, It is done by the same guy that did waking life... which is a fucking amazing movie that you should see if you havent seen it before.
Going to meet up with the guy that makes my patterns for Beserk tomorrow and get him to make me a manga school uniform.. Ive been looking around to buy the items to piece one together.. and its just not happening.. and I want one like reis cause she is damn hot!

I just realised that I dont really know that much about some of you that I talk to.. and I would like to get to know you more.. so um.. here are some questions some of them are pretty standard.. but hey I dont know the answers in a lot of cases and I want to get to know you guys better!!

Where do you work or what do you study?? .. work - graphic design 3 days a week at a naturopathic company, rest of the time getting my clothing company happening..
What do you really want to do with your life??
.. have a kick ass clothing company that gets me rich, after that.. i don't know..

What do you think are the evils of the world??
.. multi-national corporations, organised religion & the government..
I like sex..? .. rough, hard, fast & dirty with no missionary thanks

Ultimate guy & grrl sexual partner?? .. johnny depp, Angelina jolie (damn it how predicable am i..) or maybe rei anaynami
They are my first questions.. I am going to ask more next time.. so if you want to answer them then you rule, and if not


i did not even bother with the former 4 pages of comments, but i wanted to say hey, miss.
first of all, in answer to your question, i do like my haircut, but i'm going much shorter soon...this is to get me used to the whole thing.
well, shit...now that i'm here, i should probably answer your questions...
1. i'm working on my ph.d in ecotoxicology...i study the effects of environmental pollutants on wild reptile populations.
2. if i could really really do anything, i'd get away with being buzzed every day and traveling the world and having assloads of fun all the time. yes, of course that is not realistic....so in reality, i want to live my life in total raw love.
3. evils of the world...corporate evil, totally. totally government, especially republicans. (have you SEEN bowling for columbine...oh my god...michael moore for president!!)...and yeah, religion can blow me, as well. you are a shrewd chica. a more general evil of the world, related to all of the above and many more...complacency. yup.
4. i like sex....dirty dirty dirty
5. ultimate guy...my awesome fiance
ultimate girl...nameless and faceless, but there she is
have a lovely one, lady.
2: i want to own my own retail store and live in a nice place. without any neighbors up or down or next to me.
3. peodophiles and greedy people who would sale their own arm for a profit.
4. i like sex pretty much the sam way but especially dirty. the nastier the better sometimes.
5. dmcII for the guy and for the girl: bariuza balk(sp) from the waterboy
hey thanks...i answered both sets so i rule even more... whoo hoo!