I saw Interpol last night and they fuckin ruled!!! .. plus i got in for free!! yah!!! ... hehe.. it made me feel like i was 16 again getting into clubs underage.. we did the stamp trick, my friend went in and got the stamp then came straight back out and pressed it onto my arm.. then we went and had many an alchoholic beverage at the pub next door.. waited till the band was about to start and i walked straight in!!! hehe!! YAH!! i lurve getting into placed fer free!!. made it soo much better, and they were totally funkin excellent!!

edited to say:... the tickets were totally sold out.. so it was either scam my way in or not see them.. so to all you people saying i am not supporting them.. well, i wanted to but couldn't..
..not feein the greatest today though... arggh.. damn hangovers.. anyone got any quick fixes..

.. dying my hair tomorrow... yah! been wanting to do it for awhile..still not sure exactly how i'm gonna dye it though?!?.. i'll post some pics in my candids of the results.. been meaning to put some pics in there for ages! i am so slack...
Children of the Swarm is this weekend.. and well you are probably sick of me saying this, but if you are in brisvegas.. GO!! ... will be heaps of fun!
i am gonna go back to bed and die now...!! arggh... i hate alchomohol...


mind you i've played gigs where its been $2 and had people trying to blag in for that....fucking hell!!$2.
a homeopathic remedy called Nux Vomica is pretty good stuff for hangovers,takes the edge off at least
I love the picture of Adam and Eve in the first chapter. It looks like Eve is slithering out from Adam's ass
-Ok, just thought I'd share
[Edited on Aug 11, 2003]