.. well i am sooo glad that the weekend is over.. spent the entire saturday and sunday moving fuckin furniture and stocking shelves with vitamins at work..!! then got back late last night in time to make some more badges for some orders that have to go out... arghh.. then had to start work at 9.00 this morning.. so I can't wait to go to bed tonight and sleep in tomorrow till 12.00...mmmmm...
Going to dye my hair tomorrow.. thinking of dying my fringe and the top half of my hair black with red at the bottom.. but not sure yet.. anyone got any ideas??
Didn't end up going to the movies.. was way too tired on friday.. instead got out Gangs of New York on DVD... which i really didn't like.. fell asleep half way through.. so yeah, had a fucking boring weekend!
... Children of the Swarm ...

Going to dye my hair tomorrow.. thinking of dying my fringe and the top half of my hair black with red at the bottom.. but not sure yet.. anyone got any ideas??
Didn't end up going to the movies.. was way too tired on friday.. instead got out Gangs of New York on DVD... which i really didn't like.. fell asleep half way through.. so yeah, had a fucking boring weekend!


... Children of the Swarm ...
Hair idea sounds sweet!! im gettin my dreads done on monday.. im dead scared!!! oh well! when you've decided pst a pic, i'd love to see 

um... I still haven't posted that cd yet
I'm lame I know.
I'm hopefully gonna post it for you tomorrow... If I remember that is.