Yah.. weekend again! I think I am going to stay at Jupiers Casino at the Gold Coast on Saturday night with my bestest buddy.. we are going to get dressed up and act like yuppies and get drunk and gamble!! hehe.. plus there is a spa in the room!! yah.. i have never stayed in a room with a spa so should be fun!

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... I think i am getting an obsession with this site.. arggh! I have been spending so much time on here lately.. everyone here is soo nice and tis soo good making friends around the world!!

Is there anyone that is good at drawing manga/hentai style pictures?? I am looking for someone that can do some clothing designs for me!! .. i'm not sure about what to offer with the payment but we can work something out! Basically I have got heaps of ideas and stuff and I can't draw.. But if you are interested or know someone who might be.. please contact me!!
Hope you'all have a lurvely weekend and have lots of fun and crazy sex


Pot is bad for the complexion, I think! LOL
Everyone keeps askin' me to do SG, but damn, I don't know if I have the balls to strip down, I think I will stick with Fashion Assassin modeling for now, anyways.
I love your set! You have cute hair too! Funny, I just dyed my hair pink too, but I think I am going back to platinum. Lotsa luv Julie