YAH!! I'm on holidays!! ... i am currently sitting in a
seedy interent cafe in kings cross in sydney.. i have been having cones all day and i am extremely stoned...

I've had some interesting comments from strange sleezy men here .. and they are everywhere.trying to get you to go into the strip clubs which are absolutely everywhere plus sex shops and prostitutes.. .. its crazy. i love it here i much prefer the dodgy parts of town than the boring yuppie shit places ...
I had an excellent crazy day today .... I was supposed to catch the 9.00 plane this morning to come down here and we ended up getting stuck in a traffic jam cause of some bad accident and we missed the fucking plane..but the two friends that we were going with made the plane . but it turned out ok and we got tickets on the next plane for no extra cost and it was only an hour later... we are staying in a backpackers which smells really bad .. but we have kind of been covering the smell with the pot smoke..

...when we went to score we had to catch the train out of sydney ..there was some guy that all these police were looking for and there were sniffer dogs everywhere.. and they were all walking up and down the exact path that we had to take after we scored the pot to get back to the train.. so the guy that we bought it off said that the dogs cant detect drugs through the smell of vegemite. so we put all vegemite over the bag .. but then on the way back we saw no police anyway .. i hate police... the laws fucking suck why would you want a job that involves upholding them.. i don't understand..

we just came back from having dinner at this thai restaurant.. which was really bad.. my friend ordered fish and they served the fish totally whole! it was the most disgusting thing ever to watch this lady bring over this huge fish and then proceed to rip its head off and cut it in half and remove all the skeleton... arrghh! it was soo gross, i was a vegetarian for 7 years then i started eating fish then chicken.. and now i can't stop because they taste so good.. but i want to.. and this just totally freaked me out and i'm not going to eat anymore meat.. but it is hard because chicken tastes good... arggh!! i am totally stoned and crapping on.. i know that noone will probably read this far anyway..
...it is really interesting to find out how many people that i know are on this site and i had no idea.. i am finding it really strange talking to them knowing that they have seen me naked... it is really weird because none of my friends have any idea that i am on here.. i can deal with strangers seeing me naked but i would be too worried about the judgement of friends or something... this entry is soo long.i'm sorry! have a good weekend! i will ..!! i'm going to paddys markets here which are the best for cheap manga & hentai stuff which i am planning on buying heaps of.. !! yah!...


BTW if anyone is interested here is a link to a show that i'm helpin organise ..children.of.the.swarm
plus my old website 4 my designs for my shirts - beserk...clothing
