Hope you all had a good weekend!
I had an oh so drunken night on Saturday.. way too many tequila shots and bourbons... i don't actually remember much.. i know i got thrown out of a bad club that I didn't want to be in anyway cause i told the bouncer to fuck off when he tried to take my drink from me, but i don't remember why... there seems to be something about me and alcohol at the moment where i just get really violent and want to fight people cause they piss me off.. maybe i'm sexually frustrated or something...
I went and saw The Secretary last night... finally! And it was fuckin excellent! ... there something strangely sexy about James Spader... maybe cause he always plays such dirty roles...
I'm going to see Sommerset on wednesday night.. a band from NZ.. which should kick ass.. but the best part is that i will get to help drink my friends bar tab.. seeings though the rest of the members in the band are straight-edge!! yah!.. um but then again maybe i should stay away from alcohol for awhile!! ...

I had an oh so drunken night on Saturday.. way too many tequila shots and bourbons... i don't actually remember much.. i know i got thrown out of a bad club that I didn't want to be in anyway cause i told the bouncer to fuck off when he tried to take my drink from me, but i don't remember why... there seems to be something about me and alcohol at the moment where i just get really violent and want to fight people cause they piss me off.. maybe i'm sexually frustrated or something...

I went and saw The Secretary last night... finally! And it was fuckin excellent! ... there something strangely sexy about James Spader... maybe cause he always plays such dirty roles...
I'm going to see Sommerset on wednesday night.. a band from NZ.. which should kick ass.. but the best part is that i will get to help drink my friends bar tab.. seeings though the rest of the members in the band are straight-edge!! yah!.. um but then again maybe i should stay away from alcohol for awhile!! ...


yeah I hope the skanks leave town and leave us real mistresses to rule the roost... but my boss is such a money hungry pig that she'll keep them around cause they fix her computer for her and do things around the house for her.....
get reccomendations on hair dressers... and go to Toni and Guy you cant go wrong there if you tell them exactly what you want...
i mean they should think about things more... they should realise that one inch shorter on someone could make them cry ya know?
yay your set went up!
but pool cues do