... i though that when i bought my badge machine i could NEVER get tired of making badges.. always seemed like such fun!! But 10,000 badges later how wrong am I!!.. i soo never want to see another badge as long as I live!! Arggh.. I spent most of my day cutting and making badges, including some for the upcoming Death Cab for Cutie tour of Australia... Its a bit of a side business, we put flyers around and people contact us to make badges for their band.. pretty nice way of making some extra cash.. but I soo need to employ a slave or something to make them!! But saying that if anyone wants any 1inch or 35mm badges for their band let me know!! hehe .. xbadges@mail.com!! I'll do you a good SG price!!
Hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was pretty quite.. my boy is out of town so I hung out with some friends on Friday night, got really stoned and went out to dinner at this bizarre restaurant where you sit on the ground with cushions and there are curtains hanging between all the tables so you can't really see any other people, but the food wasn't really that good... one of those places where you seem to pay more and not get as much food and instead they just make the food look trendy or something.. blah.. i just want to go back there just so i can have sex at one of the tables.. !!
I am going to get my hair cut this week!! arggh.. i haven't been to a hairdresser in years.. i normally just do it myself.. but i have decided that it is looking bad at the moment and I want a new look.. and i am scared!! hmmm.. i might go short or something.. i don't know!!
Anyways.. back to the badges i go... grrrr !! Have a lurvely week!!

Hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was pretty quite.. my boy is out of town so I hung out with some friends on Friday night, got really stoned and went out to dinner at this bizarre restaurant where you sit on the ground with cushions and there are curtains hanging between all the tables so you can't really see any other people, but the food wasn't really that good... one of those places where you seem to pay more and not get as much food and instead they just make the food look trendy or something.. blah.. i just want to go back there just so i can have sex at one of the tables.. !!

I am going to get my hair cut this week!! arggh.. i haven't been to a hairdresser in years.. i normally just do it myself.. but i have decided that it is looking bad at the moment and I want a new look.. and i am scared!! hmmm.. i might go short or something.. i don't know!!
Anyways.. back to the badges i go... grrrr !! Have a lurvely week!!


I am envious of you and your button making thingamagig....and ever day is a fun day when you are making buttons...