hmmm its time to update this sucker!
uno: its cold and i've had it up to here (points finger to the cealing...represses urge to spell "here" like herrr)!
dos: my work week for once has not been torture...i've gotton loads of work done and my boss has been nice (sighs with much relief)
tres: i wonder if this journal thing gets read by anyone and who cares about my boring old life...but i have gone back and read my junior high journals and they freak'n crack me one point i was crying about the fact that my older sister broke up with her boyfriend...there were tear stains and everything...i wrote about how mean she was to him...i was a wierd kid!
cuatro: speaking of being a wierd nose use to bleed alot as a kid..for whatever reason...and my favorite past time was to look at my blood under a microscope i made with a jar and aluminum foil.
cinco: why am i counting in spanish?
seis: i have 6 shirts to make for the radical cheerleaders for tommorrows event to save the Red Hill Valley in Hamilton Ontario. They are trying to pave this beautiful forest and put a highway down so that all the commuters can get home five minutes earlier.
ocho: trying to make it till diez...but i just might bore you all to death!
nueve: hoping today will go by super duper fast! so i can go enjoy my weekend...tequila!
diez: whew i made it! everyone please have a fabulous weekend!
uno: its cold and i've had it up to here (points finger to the cealing...represses urge to spell "here" like herrr)!
dos: my work week for once has not been torture...i've gotton loads of work done and my boss has been nice (sighs with much relief)
tres: i wonder if this journal thing gets read by anyone and who cares about my boring old life...but i have gone back and read my junior high journals and they freak'n crack me one point i was crying about the fact that my older sister broke up with her boyfriend...there were tear stains and everything...i wrote about how mean she was to him...i was a wierd kid!
cuatro: speaking of being a wierd nose use to bleed alot as a kid..for whatever reason...and my favorite past time was to look at my blood under a microscope i made with a jar and aluminum foil.
cinco: why am i counting in spanish?
seis: i have 6 shirts to make for the radical cheerleaders for tommorrows event to save the Red Hill Valley in Hamilton Ontario. They are trying to pave this beautiful forest and put a highway down so that all the commuters can get home five minutes earlier.

ocho: trying to make it till diez...but i just might bore you all to death!
nueve: hoping today will go by super duper fast! so i can go enjoy my weekend...tequila!
diez: whew i made it! everyone please have a fabulous weekend!
nice to know the social conscience is alive in hamilton and in such a fetching guise
Maybel Dalton will listen where others wouldn't (nto crossing my fingers though)
I know its pretty sad to see this type of environmental destruction
I'm kinda hoping that with the 'new urban agenda' that there might be enough of a push for public transit (GO and TTC and stuff) that this type of developent will stop
and hopefully oak ridges too
keep up the fight, if you are being invited into help organize, you are obviously doing something VERY right