Wow, hey. So here's my first Suicide Girls entry. I'm finally part of the Army. You know, I just realized that Siamese Gun and Suicide Girls have the same initials. Nifty. I totally didn't plan that. I'm here because my friend Brandi recommended I check it out. She's on here, too, but she doesn't know I just joined. It's a surprise. Although, I think she might be mad at me right now, so it's really not so much of a great surprise. It's like punching someone in the face and then showing up to their birthday the next day. Big whoop. I don't know how long I'll stay on here, though. I mean, this is like Myspace, just with a lot more hot, nekkid girls. They have nekkid girls on myspace, but you have to really search for them and 9 times out of 10 they're disgusting. Although, Myspace is free, so, you know. Well, free until Fox News takes over and turns it into a disgusting mess. This isn't turning out to be such a great first posting. I mean, it's really just me rambling for lack of anything better to write about, yet still feeling the need to write something. God, I feel like I'm on the first date with a girl I really like and I just start talking incessantly without even looking her in the eye because my shyness and nerves take hold. Well, maybe not exactly like that, but you get the picture. Speaking of picture, I'll put one up as soon as I stop being retarded and figure out how to shrink my pictures to fit on here. In the meantime, here's a little pirate to close this out.
Ha! Neat!

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