Hey yalls.......work is crap-taculous, i gotta go in 30 mins.......i got one of my 16 year old friends a job with me....and they decided that she is going to hire in as a manager......which makes me....dumb. i was trying my ass of to get a managerial position.....guess i gotta wait now...at least now they know that i have a good eye for good workers..maybe this will bring them to the conclusion that i would be good managerial material.....probably not. im pretty much the only closer, and im am the best out of all 3 of us...so it sucks because that means they will keep me on crew so i can close the damned store right.....whateva. maybe i can train one of the other closers better, and get my managerial spot closing....that would be rock ass.
or maybe you can find a new job...get your GED and find a job that really pays your more...i only work 28 hours a week and make as much as you do, and i just work at subway because its close to home....hey since you never come over you might want to at least call so you know if i have any mail of yours...like some paper you need for this weekend.