Current Mood: Chilled with slight nervous undertones
On the stereo: Soul Coughing
In the mug: cammomile tea and honey hmmmm
In the tank: my new pet fish - BRAINS
LO LO all my Misfits, Cool Cats, Losers and Groovers...
How are you?
I have just acquired Brains *WAVES-hiya brains* from the fair near me......... he's small, gold and lovely but I think I just squashed him when i put him in his new tank! Doh! I was supposed to be liberating the poor thing from fairground torture!!
He has a super cool glass tank with black gravel - OH MY its sexy!
So..........the story goes, and you'll all think I'm mad - but I have a date. First date in oooooh eons! ahahah
He's one of thoses blossoming internet relationships, been cool for ages, but this is crunch time - the big hook up!!
Kinda wanted to make it more interesting than a drink after work or lunch on a Sunday - so this is a Breakfast date!
Oh my me!! what on earth am I doing!! You see - breakfast means early! And my first dilema is: where to find a greasy spoon thats open at 7am on a Sunday??? The second is: should I really bother making an effort? I mean, its the law that sunday should be chilled, so wouldn't it be like shining a shit, puttin make up on someone thats bound to look rough anyway? Like puttin concealer on a nasty spot - looks bad, don't do it!
There is also another reason why its so early - he has to take his mama to the airport at 6am and seen as its 20 mins from me thought it would be a twist on a normal hook up.
Anyway - gonna check back to y'all tomorrow with an update
I have asked him if he's a crazy man, he said no and I trust him...... He is well known in Liverpool and has his own media company, no one would throw that away by doing something stoopid would they? *packs something in bag just incase* ahahah - no I'm not that paranoid. Plus I have told people where I am and who with - should I give the police my details?? I have never been this worked up about meeting a guy before, not only do I find him intreging, think its the time that we are meeting is slightly worrying.
Hmmmm, might bail.......
Open mind kids, I'm not really in this to get a fella - although it would be cool, just make friends and have fun - so keep your fingers crossed, if I can walk away just being hella good mates with this guy and nothing else I would be extremely happy!!
So - anyway, how are we all? Been catchin up with a few SG peeps online, but I know I should put more on your comments - feelin rather shy and in my own world at the moment, but once tomorrow is over I will be fine. Ragin hormones and short attention span is playin havok with my head - man, its a cruel world! hahah
Check you back on the morro, just gonna go for a shower and figure out the glitch on my laptop - baffles me it does.
Can you give mouth to mouth to goldfish?? hmmmm
In a bit then, thanks for reading my random rant.
Shy xx
On the stereo: Soul Coughing
In the mug: cammomile tea and honey hmmmm
In the tank: my new pet fish - BRAINS
LO LO all my Misfits, Cool Cats, Losers and Groovers...
How are you?
I have just acquired Brains *WAVES-hiya brains* from the fair near me......... he's small, gold and lovely but I think I just squashed him when i put him in his new tank! Doh! I was supposed to be liberating the poor thing from fairground torture!!
So..........the story goes, and you'll all think I'm mad - but I have a date. First date in oooooh eons! ahahah
He's one of thoses blossoming internet relationships, been cool for ages, but this is crunch time - the big hook up!!
Kinda wanted to make it more interesting than a drink after work or lunch on a Sunday - so this is a Breakfast date!
Oh my me!! what on earth am I doing!! You see - breakfast means early! And my first dilema is: where to find a greasy spoon thats open at 7am on a Sunday??? The second is: should I really bother making an effort? I mean, its the law that sunday should be chilled, so wouldn't it be like shining a shit, puttin make up on someone thats bound to look rough anyway? Like puttin concealer on a nasty spot - looks bad, don't do it!
There is also another reason why its so early - he has to take his mama to the airport at 6am and seen as its 20 mins from me thought it would be a twist on a normal hook up.
Anyway - gonna check back to y'all tomorrow with an update
I have asked him if he's a crazy man, he said no and I trust him...... He is well known in Liverpool and has his own media company, no one would throw that away by doing something stoopid would they? *packs something in bag just incase* ahahah - no I'm not that paranoid. Plus I have told people where I am and who with - should I give the police my details?? I have never been this worked up about meeting a guy before, not only do I find him intreging, think its the time that we are meeting is slightly worrying.
Hmmmm, might bail.......
Open mind kids, I'm not really in this to get a fella - although it would be cool, just make friends and have fun - so keep your fingers crossed, if I can walk away just being hella good mates with this guy and nothing else I would be extremely happy!!
So - anyway, how are we all? Been catchin up with a few SG peeps online, but I know I should put more on your comments - feelin rather shy and in my own world at the moment, but once tomorrow is over I will be fine. Ragin hormones and short attention span is playin havok with my head - man, its a cruel world! hahah
Check you back on the morro, just gonna go for a shower and figure out the glitch on my laptop - baffles me it does.
Can you give mouth to mouth to goldfish?? hmmmm
In a bit then, thanks for reading my random rant.
Shy xx
i just realised i never replied to your last comment
well i think the guys a muppet for bailing on a girl like you...
speak soon
i shall definately look out for the electric souls album... and talking of music, my computer should be back any day now.. so compilation cds a plenty for the shy girl
the moon is by far the best thing with the new series.. especially when he sings the love cats... fuckin' quality
hope you're well kitten.. been up to much recently..?
speak soon