Current Mood: hmmmmmm - pondering
On the stereo: Modaji - Excursions
In the mug: Wine - it is Sunday after all!
In the tank: BRAINS!! This fish is crazy, put some skate stickers on the tank, he has a dislike for the fox something one!! He headbuts the thing!! I love Brains. I need to get out more!!
Hello Earthings,
Very contemplative mood today - so this is only gonna be short. And my brain isn't working as it should so.......... this could prove difficult.
Had a mental week - buzzin around looking for work and generally finding my way and skivvin in art galleries all over Manchester.
My laptop finally arrived home after being fixed - why do these things breakdown so much? I can get back to selling my life away to meet the demands of the bank manager and dept collectors!! Please dream job hurry up and get me through that interview!!
Been a crazy mixed up week of all the emotions known to man - think some of them may be chemical related. Dirty dirty!
Anyway - this week, starting early monday morning - will be all about creative and getting the portfolio sorted for college and shizzle. Got a head full of ideas and god damn it I'm gonna use them!!
No boy news - I am celibut (is that me or does it make you sound like a fish when you call yourself celibut?? I'll have battered celibut, mushy peas and chips please - salt and vinegar - ta. Am I even spelling it right?) and single - at least til the job interview happens anyway! Little Steps as a wise Ladybird once told me
So yeah - no man chat from me for a while. Just got toooo mental........... sit down, relax and I'll regail the tail of my wicked wednesday!!
So - all started fairly sweetly. TO be honest it started on Saturday night.... Mr Scruff rocked, we ruled the dancefloor and I felt like fairy godmother waving my magic wand and lovin the magnatism we all seemed to have, we were just so attractive - I'd chat to one person, introduce them to the our gang and we all got on fantastically, everyone was meeting new lads and ladies and hook ups were aranged for following dates in the week. All was good. The music flowed, the bass got dirty and I felt sexy as and everyone knew it! hahaha seriously I'm not vain - you just get a feelin now and again that mischief will be caused and you are the whole reason for it (in your world anyway) - we did all look and feel amazin - and it was catchin.
So 3am and an hour to go, my feet were killin, my back was achin and the need for a spliff and cuppa was just overwhelming. When outta the blue stepped a fellow monkey - cheeky grin, beard (love beards), and curly locks. AND unfortunately for this young chap - a bottle of poppers, if there is ever a turn off for me, poppers will do it! BUT I was in the mood for a spot of chemical romancin and he seemed a worthy candidate. Apart from one other thing - he's 21!!
Had a pash, swapped numbers and hooked up last wednesday. After meeting up with............................ Him, the BMXer (no mention of this boy after this week - promise). Cool - beer, pizza - Matt and Phreds Jazz bar again, good chat, lots of flirting AND a full on, body locking cuddle and big passionate snog. I was on air. Head spinning with alcohol and bliss - I looked up and giggled like a girl and nearly fell over. Anyway - text him since to say hello and nothing, nadda, zilch....... hahaha.
Met the 21 year old youth and had a good time - but smoked a massive J and - oh my, my head just couldn't cope with people, an hour later, my hearts pumping, palms sweating and all I can think about is THAT kiss. The poor youth, I said FUN - nothing serious, he did too - but nope. You can imagine the rest. It's hard when you're on the dating scene, you have to be ruthless - but I can't. I could do the manly thing and never contact him again, but tried that before and its just wrong, and I have been honest with him from the begining, but I knew he was gonna be a tender type.... Ah well. So some things just don't work out. Time to fill my head with pretty things and useless stuff again.
Well kids - it has all been a bit on top recently and never has there been a time to take stock and assess life. This week is gonna be a test. I will say no more til next Sunday.
I'm sendin out some devine vibes to all my cats about town this week, hope you all have crazy and uplifting events that astound you so you can regail your tales of lovely to me.
I need good news this week, so come say hello and add to my evergrowing smile!!
Right - I'm off to mash some spuds!!
Happy Sunday my darlings! Enjoy your week ahead!!
Shy xx
On the stereo: Modaji - Excursions
In the mug: Wine - it is Sunday after all!
In the tank: BRAINS!! This fish is crazy, put some skate stickers on the tank, he has a dislike for the fox something one!! He headbuts the thing!! I love Brains. I need to get out more!!
Hello Earthings,
Very contemplative mood today - so this is only gonna be short. And my brain isn't working as it should so.......... this could prove difficult.
Had a mental week - buzzin around looking for work and generally finding my way and skivvin in art galleries all over Manchester.
My laptop finally arrived home after being fixed - why do these things breakdown so much? I can get back to selling my life away to meet the demands of the bank manager and dept collectors!! Please dream job hurry up and get me through that interview!!
Been a crazy mixed up week of all the emotions known to man - think some of them may be chemical related. Dirty dirty!
Anyway - this week, starting early monday morning - will be all about creative and getting the portfolio sorted for college and shizzle. Got a head full of ideas and god damn it I'm gonna use them!!
No boy news - I am celibut (is that me or does it make you sound like a fish when you call yourself celibut?? I'll have battered celibut, mushy peas and chips please - salt and vinegar - ta. Am I even spelling it right?) and single - at least til the job interview happens anyway! Little Steps as a wise Ladybird once told me

So - all started fairly sweetly. TO be honest it started on Saturday night.... Mr Scruff rocked, we ruled the dancefloor and I felt like fairy godmother waving my magic wand and lovin the magnatism we all seemed to have, we were just so attractive - I'd chat to one person, introduce them to the our gang and we all got on fantastically, everyone was meeting new lads and ladies and hook ups were aranged for following dates in the week. All was good. The music flowed, the bass got dirty and I felt sexy as and everyone knew it! hahaha seriously I'm not vain - you just get a feelin now and again that mischief will be caused and you are the whole reason for it (in your world anyway) - we did all look and feel amazin - and it was catchin.
So 3am and an hour to go, my feet were killin, my back was achin and the need for a spliff and cuppa was just overwhelming. When outta the blue stepped a fellow monkey - cheeky grin, beard (love beards), and curly locks. AND unfortunately for this young chap - a bottle of poppers, if there is ever a turn off for me, poppers will do it! BUT I was in the mood for a spot of chemical romancin and he seemed a worthy candidate. Apart from one other thing - he's 21!!
Had a pash, swapped numbers and hooked up last wednesday. After meeting up with............................ Him, the BMXer (no mention of this boy after this week - promise). Cool - beer, pizza - Matt and Phreds Jazz bar again, good chat, lots of flirting AND a full on, body locking cuddle and big passionate snog. I was on air. Head spinning with alcohol and bliss - I looked up and giggled like a girl and nearly fell over. Anyway - text him since to say hello and nothing, nadda, zilch....... hahaha.
Met the 21 year old youth and had a good time - but smoked a massive J and - oh my, my head just couldn't cope with people, an hour later, my hearts pumping, palms sweating and all I can think about is THAT kiss. The poor youth, I said FUN - nothing serious, he did too - but nope. You can imagine the rest. It's hard when you're on the dating scene, you have to be ruthless - but I can't. I could do the manly thing and never contact him again, but tried that before and its just wrong, and I have been honest with him from the begining, but I knew he was gonna be a tender type.... Ah well. So some things just don't work out. Time to fill my head with pretty things and useless stuff again.
Well kids - it has all been a bit on top recently and never has there been a time to take stock and assess life. This week is gonna be a test. I will say no more til next Sunday.
I'm sendin out some devine vibes to all my cats about town this week, hope you all have crazy and uplifting events that astound you so you can regail your tales of lovely to me.
I need good news this week, so come say hello and add to my evergrowing smile!!
Right - I'm off to mash some spuds!!
Happy Sunday my darlings! Enjoy your week ahead!!
Shy xx

Not even been to the city centre this week. Knowing my laxadaisical attitude (and If I've spelt that right I want a prize) If you ask me again in six months I still won't have been.
Me write well too? Nar!
Good luck with looking for your dream job, patience and perseverance go a long way together.