So, I went to the ER on the 14th because I have had an on and off pain in my left back side accompained by a fever. The sympotms have been bugging me for about 3 weeks now. Here I thought maybe I had a kidney infection; which I am prone to. However, after a urine test, CT and some IV fluids they discovered I have kidney stones. The kidney stones are in my right kidney though. The pain on my left side is from a cyst in my kidney. Therefor, the following day I had to have an ultrasound. Well, I went to my family Doc on Friday to go over the results. Meanwhile, the ER Doc gave me some Vicodin for the pain and Ciprophalaxin (a very strong antibiotic). Of course my Doc really can't explain why the cyst is causing pain because it's not obstructing anything & it's only 2cm. It's also what is causing the fever and infection.....but, no explination. Just more freakin' tests. Now I am waiting on blood work and a follow up with my doc. Well, the antibiotic is used for sever and life threatening bacterial infections. It is so strong it causes me to be dizzy, light headed, upset stomach and drowsiness. Ugh!!!! I don't know which is worse... the infection or the meds. To say the least I am anxiously waiting to find out what the hell is wrong with me.

Thanx... me too, but I'm having the damndest time finding a photographer around here and Alissa Brunelli never responds to my requests for a shoot now. IDK what happened there, but I am so anxious for another shot.
I hope the doctor doesn't find anything serious. I knew a petty officer in my division ( when I was in the navy) that had kidney stones, and he use to pass them at work and you could see in his face the amount of pain he was in. If the anti-biotic is making you dizzy take a lower dose then the one that is recommended. Take care.