What's new? What's on my mind? What Do I Wanna talk bout? ..... let me ponder a moment. Well, both my wee ones went to their Dad's today so I am kid free for the next week. I took advantage of the free time starting...oh bout 5 mins after they were dropped off. It was about 1:30 so I decided to hit up Chris (yes, the "jerk" i talked to for 3 months). Actually, I was glad I did. We met up at the local hole in the wall bar; which happens to serve awesome food. So, we enjoyed some after noon drinks with some fried pickles; they are da bombdigitydigity, and mild chicken chunks. Yum Yum! We had some great conversation. Talkin to Chris makes me float and keeps me on the ground if that makes sense. I swear I dunno what it is about that man, but he's got me hooked.
Also, an old friend from like grade school got in touch with me a couple nights ago. Dude, is a great guy...just alround cool cat, but always in trouble. He was calling to shoot the shit and get some girlie advice. Hmm, he's always in trouble, got 2 girls to take care of, livin with his parents and not trying to betta himself and he calls to ask about a girl who wants him "all to herself". She keeps him from his family. This got me thinkin'???....
Why can't people back away from any misconception of love presented by a beautiful yet psychiotic creature and realize that they are holding you back. Ya know the ol' saying "Love is Blind"? Well, I beg to differ, the misconception of love is blind.....cause Love is mutual.
On that note, ima toke it up and cuddle up with my warm fuzy blanket. Ta ta and nite nite!

Also, an old friend from like grade school got in touch with me a couple nights ago. Dude, is a great guy...just alround cool cat, but always in trouble. He was calling to shoot the shit and get some girlie advice. Hmm, he's always in trouble, got 2 girls to take care of, livin with his parents and not trying to betta himself and he calls to ask about a girl who wants him "all to herself". She keeps him from his family. This got me thinkin'???....
Why can't people back away from any misconception of love presented by a beautiful yet psychiotic creature and realize that they are holding you back. Ya know the ol' saying "Love is Blind"? Well, I beg to differ, the misconception of love is blind.....cause Love is mutual.
On that note, ima toke it up and cuddle up with my warm fuzy blanket. Ta ta and nite nite!

We need a Jeds down here in columbus.
damn, now i want to have a beer too.