Today was a so-so day. (Well techincally yesterday, but I'm just now ending my day.) I got up about 9am... cuz I was completely exhausted from staying up talking with my very intriguing neighbor. Went through the normal routine of getting the kids up, making breakfast and heading off to work. I will admit; I text Chris even after I vowed I wouldn't. Needless to say it wasn't the greatest conversation. Actually, it was more like I was venting because he wasn't repyling enough for it to be a conversation. However, even though I was dissapointed with the substance of our conversation I felt a slight hint of satisfaction. For once I felt like I knew who Chris was. Not really, I guess i actually felt I knew who he wasn't. I can say this, "He isn't the man I thought he was and therefore I am ok with him not being into me." I guess I am somewhat hoping he proves me wrong (even though I don't like to be wrong). In this situation though I would be ecstatic if Chris really is the Prince Charming I pegged him to be. My vision through rose-colored glasses is rarely substantial though. Then again, if life really were a fairy tale what good would hopes and dreams be? With that thought, I think I'll finish my microwavable dinner, smoke my last cig of the night and lay my sleepy head to rest. Tomorrow is a new day! Yipee!!!
Shyne, thank you for being my friend. It was getting really lonely in here. It is taking me some time to learn my way around. I look forward to reading more of what you have to write. So the more I read I guess the more I can learn. This site is really filled with a wide range of personalities, I don't mean to sound square just tryiong to keep my head above water... Gunner