So, after a rediculously rocky realtionship (say that three times) I am now FREE!!! Whoo Whoo...Yipee...HoOrAy. No, seriously, I am ecstatic. My boyfriend of 2 years and I just split up. I get the keys to my apartment on July 4th. I am so psyched, but also completely scared. I have two children; Julian (4 yrs) and Alannah (1 in a few days) and I am so afraid I will fail them as a Mom. I make enough money to scrape by week to week so here goes nothing. I'm taking a running start off this cliff and hoping I make it to the other side. Wish me lots of luck. PS... I don't have shit for my own place because my EX is keeping everything so any donations or perhaps something from my wish list would be much obliged. Ta ta and have a kick-ass 4th!!
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 07, 2009
Well, suprise! Guess, who for once, got a hold of ME to hang out??? C… -
Friday Apr 03, 2009
What's new? What's on my mind? What Do I Wanna talk bout? ..... let m… -
Monday Mar 16, 2009
I really, REALLY, reALLY want to find a photographer around here!!!! … -
Saturday Feb 28, 2009
Well, even though the Detroit plans fell through I had a blast last n… -
Wednesday Feb 25, 2009
It's 10:30 at night, I don't have to work 2morrow & I'm token and dri… -
Wednesday Feb 18, 2009
Today was a so-so day. (Well techincally yesterday, but I'm just now … -
Tuesday Feb 17, 2009
Ya know a lot of men complain about how nice guys finish last and get… -
Monday Feb 16, 2009
So, I tried to go all day without calling Chris. Well, he comes into … -
Monday Feb 16, 2009
This is seriously the first time I have ever chased a guy like this..… -
Sunday Feb 15, 2009
Hope everyone had a satisfying Valentine's Day! I spent mine with two…
I know what that's to have kid...