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Hopeful Since 2014

Learning to love myself not based on image


So after a few days of sleeping on the thought I made a decision to shave my head. I'm going to explain it here because people I don't even know ask me why I did it. I decided to go with a number 2 shave for a couple of reasons. I was sick of dealing with my hair, I wanted to try something new, and I read an article on how it's empowering and teaches you to look at beauty from a different perspective. My family members reactions were video taped and nothing like I thought they'd be. For the most part they were very supportive. My boss thinks it's weird but it grew on her. My friends told me I have balls, I look great, I have the face for it and so on. It's been a journey so far because I am still having to accept a whole new physical identity. I never realized how much I identified myself with how I look. It's a HUGE learning experience. It was emotional and it's strange. It was insane when I started noticing the little things. Like ACTUALLY FEELING the wind in my hair and on my scalp. Taking a shower was a completely new experience. Feeling the water was so different and it felt great! I have to wear a beanie a lot cuz I'm still not used to the temperature change. I'm still trying to be comfortable with myself. I receive compliments from strangers. I have to remind myself I'm not just my looks. I'm much more than that. It's been a spiritual and physical learning experience. Highly recommended but women are SO INCREDIBLY attached to their hair I can see why they'd never do it. It's like becoming a whole new you. And just the thought of that is scary. Actually doing it is exhilarating.

You look great with a shaved head :)
Thank you :)
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