I'm home sick today.
Who gets a cold during the summer?! Honestly. This is ridiculous.
I plan on staying in bed all day today and watching a plethora of fabulous movies. I started with "The Lorax" this morning. Loved it! Really wasn't expecting it to be as entertaining as it is.
Anyone have any good recommendations? I only have Netflix so if you know of a good movie currently on Netflix, please share!
I just finished watching every episode of Portlandia on Netflix. I watched it all with my roommate/bestfriend/co-worker and now we can't stop quoting random things like "CACAO!" and "Put a bird on it!" If you've seen the show, you might find those quotes a little amusing. If you haven't seen it, you should really give it a try.
A quick breakdown of my current life:
My boyfriend and I celebrated our one-year anniversary at the beginning of the month!
I've gained more bar shifts at work which means more money for me!
I've become oddly addicted to playing Rummikub whether it be on my phone or in person. My family and friends seem to be getting sick of playing against me.
I'm planning on getting a tattoo within the month. Hopefully by the artist my boyfriend goes to. He just built his own custom shop outside his house and apparently is constantly booked. Fingers crossed.
Hmmm, guess my life isn't very exciting right now...
Oh well! More later perhaps...
Denver Cruisers; Rodeo Night.
Roses from the Boy. <3
Aurora Rise Benefit.
PBR & Video Games.
As for Netflix its just generally the UK ain't got the infrastructure. We use Lovefilm we can only do the standard picture when we stream films if high quality it is unwatchable. Unless you live in the big cities and use a good provider you will have troubles
I like the photos btw they are really good I like how you have got a good amount of light into them to show off your pretty features.
Hope you feel better soon, wrap up warm thats what I am doing