I needed a new blog but I don't have much to say so this is going to be a random item blog.
I got a new camera app on my iphone called hipstamatic and it's pretty legit. I was looking for it for ages after seeing my friend post pictures he'd taken using it and for the longest time had no idea what that app was. That was until the awesome Frolic helped me out and let me know the name of it. <3
I need to start taking some decent pictures using it but for now this is all I have.
Nothing too special, but pretty fun.
I also got a new tattoo!! It was super spontaneous and unplanned but totally worth it. I hung out with one of my good friends I've known for ages, tylerdrinkspabst, and we stopped in at a tattoo parlor to get a quote on some touch ups I want to get and came out with my new addition. He also got a tattoo with me, so they're kinda friendship tattoos in that sense.
I got a little Boo <3
Last but most certainly not least....
I'LL BE IN CALIFORNIA IN 9 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a new camera app on my iphone called hipstamatic and it's pretty legit. I was looking for it for ages after seeing my friend post pictures he'd taken using it and for the longest time had no idea what that app was. That was until the awesome Frolic helped me out and let me know the name of it. <3
I need to start taking some decent pictures using it but for now this is all I have.

Nothing too special, but pretty fun.
I also got a new tattoo!! It was super spontaneous and unplanned but totally worth it. I hung out with one of my good friends I've known for ages, tylerdrinkspabst, and we stopped in at a tattoo parlor to get a quote on some touch ups I want to get and came out with my new addition. He also got a tattoo with me, so they're kinda friendship tattoos in that sense.

I got a little Boo <3
Last but most certainly not least....
I'LL BE IN CALIFORNIA IN 9 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- R
PS - what alla other peeps said about the lil ghostie guy