So i have been looking for a place to live in north york/etokikoe area
and it is SO FUCKING HARD.
i want to shot myself.
not really though
i am so close to taking the first place i see
simply because i do not want to go through this anymore!
who knew this would be so difficult
my parents keep telling me oh this is how it is
no one i know has had this much difficulty finding a place!
i am going nuts
plus i didnt get much sleep last night because i was to upset
and then my ex calls me at 730 this morning and wakes me up trying to explain himself.
why oh why cant finding a place be easier!
i am going nuts.
i have like. 4 places lined up
but i do not know the area i am looking at, at ALL.
and the person who is driving me around said for me to make sure all the places are semi close
so i asked my mother to do this for me
because she knows the area
but no
i have to do it
i am in pain cuz my codine is worn off
so thats no fun either
on a brighter note
the ex is talking to me now and not saying he never wants to talk to me again and not being a little dramatic girl
so i guess thats a plus
and i am going to see UP tonight
which i am stoked for
cuz i love pixar
and i am making dinner tonight for le boy
so that means i get to eat a dinner I want to eat
not beans which is what i usually have cuz i dont make dinner usually.
hoepfully i find a place
it would be super awesome.
love always!
and it is SO FUCKING HARD.
i want to shot myself.
not really though
i am so close to taking the first place i see
simply because i do not want to go through this anymore!
who knew this would be so difficult
my parents keep telling me oh this is how it is
no one i know has had this much difficulty finding a place!
i am going nuts
plus i didnt get much sleep last night because i was to upset
and then my ex calls me at 730 this morning and wakes me up trying to explain himself.
why oh why cant finding a place be easier!
i am going nuts.
i have like. 4 places lined up
but i do not know the area i am looking at, at ALL.
and the person who is driving me around said for me to make sure all the places are semi close
so i asked my mother to do this for me
because she knows the area
but no
i have to do it
i am in pain cuz my codine is worn off
so thats no fun either
on a brighter note
the ex is talking to me now and not saying he never wants to talk to me again and not being a little dramatic girl
so i guess thats a plus
and i am going to see UP tonight
which i am stoked for
cuz i love pixar
and i am making dinner tonight for le boy
so that means i get to eat a dinner I want to eat
not beans which is what i usually have cuz i dont make dinner usually.
hoepfully i find a place
it would be super awesome.
love always!

Best of luck with finding a place!
thats a major bummer that you cant find a place. i wouldnt settle though cuz its even worse when you find out you hate the place but your stuck there. but hey atleast you didnt have to eat beans