I hate morgues....they always look at you funny if youre not old.......like you have to be dying to be there.......bastards........heheheh.....i think i am going to go eat lunch at this really cool old graveyard up the street from me today....its on this hill in the back woods in this neighborhood one of my friends used to live in.....real enclosed...actually has the feel of a real old school horror flick....a lot of the dirt has eroded away....leaving only the bricks around the coffins....i love that place...........Life of agony gets me through another day.......hopefully i be getting a new slitherbuddy soon......i got a cage yesterday from petsmart....this really cool chicka completely didnt care that i switched the price tags and only paid 20$ for a 70 dollar cage and setup....cool chickas rock my hinus...thank you. wherever she may be........anything cool happen to anyone else recently???? Shub

yes, shhh... but a very trashy one, probably not quite as cool as Al though cause i have to help out with a child Holloween party!
I just moved. I don't know if it's a cool thing, coz I'll ahve to see how my living situtaion goes, but that's what's up here