hola!! one of my scorpions (bill) bit me last night while i was getting photos taken of him , ted still wont let me pick her up......i really need to get my cat spayed, she is turning my roomate into a punk bitch, he locks her in the bathroom at night.....fucker..i definatly let her out every time and put her back in b4 he wakes up....heheheheheheheh, anyways dimmu borgir is coming im soo excited,
time to break out the black metal facepaint J/K i love coming home from class on a sunny day and taking a nap, makes me feel gooooooodd
anybody have obscure cd titles i should check out, dark and mysterious please

she's an albino corn snake - so is bright orange & yellow...hence the name Cheetara! I think theres a couple of piccies of her in my candids
have you joined the Reptilia group?