Fuck you.
That's how I am.
*sigh* Sorry, that was rude.
Actually, I feel like the biggest dickhead in the world. What kind of moron goes and falls for someone oversea whom they've never met face to face, promises to bring them over in spite of having next to no money and a shit hole of a house to put her up in?
Social update:
SPOILERS! (Click to view) Had a pretty dandy 30+ birthday party with some close friends last week. Got drunk, when to the Bavarian Beir cafe, drank a stein bigger than my head, od'd on pork. Then they dragged me to a strip joint, which was good and bad. Good because - Hot nekkid geek girl in my lap. Bad because - hot...
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I need a cuddle buddy.
Sort of like a fuck buddy, but a fuck buddy for the soul.
I was saddened to hear of the death of MC A from the Beastie Boys.
Many CD's will be played in his honor at my house.