I figure its time I updated on my life (hawhaw) some to let all my fans know what I'm doing/where I am/how angry I've been (
) lately. So here is.
Christmas is always a time of mixxed emotions for me. Those emotions being loathing and apathy. Is apathy an emotion? Isn't it a lack-there-of? Iunno.. dun care neither.
Upsides: This year I didn't cook. It was vurry relaxing not having to cook.
Downsides: This year I didn't cook. The place we went to eat was overpriced and shit. Win some, lose some.
This year hasn't been much different from the decade before it. Cept I'm losing weight instead of gaining it. Go me.
Still, maybe 2011 will surprise me and I'll find the incentive to drag myself out of this shit pit of a life I have and make something of myself.
In other news ^ I can also add valium to the list of perscribed medications I now take. Its great.. well, irony aside, its not great, its rather neutral as it was intended to be.
I lost my dog Patch this year in April and frankly, it still smarts. We sold the car we used to have when he was arround and instantly I regretted it. It smelled of the dog.. I miss his smell.
I can't believe I finally bit the bullet and tried (as everyone suggested ((even my mother))) a dating site. I chewed up and spat out that final little nub of self respect and made a page. After about a month of becoming jaded with it, I just decided to make shit up on it, coz no-one was looking anyway. So in fake-romance land, I'm an astrophysicist who fights crime by night.
Why is it that as soon as I pay off my credit card, certain members of my family see it as an open license to borrow off me under the premise "Hey, I WILL pay you back.. eventually" and I'm the sucker who falls for it?
I think I must have damaged my brain from all those episodes of Family Guy I watched.
Its true. Family Guy gives you brain damage. I mean, it'd have to, right?

Christmas is always a time of mixxed emotions for me. Those emotions being loathing and apathy. Is apathy an emotion? Isn't it a lack-there-of? Iunno.. dun care neither.
Upsides: This year I didn't cook. It was vurry relaxing not having to cook.
Downsides: This year I didn't cook. The place we went to eat was overpriced and shit. Win some, lose some.
This year hasn't been much different from the decade before it. Cept I'm losing weight instead of gaining it. Go me.
Still, maybe 2011 will surprise me and I'll find the incentive to drag myself out of this shit pit of a life I have and make something of myself.
In other news ^ I can also add valium to the list of perscribed medications I now take. Its great.. well, irony aside, its not great, its rather neutral as it was intended to be.
I lost my dog Patch this year in April and frankly, it still smarts. We sold the car we used to have when he was arround and instantly I regretted it. It smelled of the dog.. I miss his smell.
I can't believe I finally bit the bullet and tried (as everyone suggested ((even my mother))) a dating site. I chewed up and spat out that final little nub of self respect and made a page. After about a month of becoming jaded with it, I just decided to make shit up on it, coz no-one was looking anyway. So in fake-romance land, I'm an astrophysicist who fights crime by night.
Why is it that as soon as I pay off my credit card, certain members of my family see it as an open license to borrow off me under the premise "Hey, I WILL pay you back.. eventually" and I'm the sucker who falls for it?
I think I must have damaged my brain from all those episodes of Family Guy I watched.
Its true. Family Guy gives you brain damage. I mean, it'd have to, right?
hahahaha BRILLIANT!!! <3
I got all excited thinking Christmas was finally canceled.. it's not
We're going out for Christmas next year.. so someone else can make us a shit meal!