This is what it would be like if the Flash was a chubby pony with zombie powers.

No not really.

The glowing bubbles! Ooooh. I want fifty of those. Too bad they're wicked expensive. The vibe cozy is cute, too.

Everyone's favorite thing my sister has ever said:
When she was pretty little, we were getting into the car when she said "Our car is bigger than a coffee cup."
I said, "Kerry, you're astute."
She angrily snapped back at me, "NO, YOU'RE THE...
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hehe THE STUTE! I'm going to say that to people when they say something "brilliant" from now on "you're the stute!"

tongue I wanna see Donnie Darko...I might check it out some time everyone says its good. I noticed it on your fav films.
IRobot movie site

Good marketing design.

I have high hopes for this movie

Some of the cutest things in this whole town are Peregrine Honig's panties. Birdie's Look, you can sign up for a panty subscription. Awwww.. I just bought some commiepants for a friend (red underwear with a hand-painted hammer and sickle on the side. They also have UN panties).
Allllllso, if you're in...
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The best thing to ever come of Euro-centric white male thinking is the Return of the King movie.

"My friends... You bow to no one."
(Leslie weeps.)

Went and saw it again with Emory's little brother (who looks about forty with his new rugged facial hair). He was proud because on this, his third viewing, he only cried once.

Went rummaging around in old drawers...
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IRobot movie site

Good marketing design.
Man, I'm excited for this movie.
So I reached into my pocket today and there was a sparkly earring in there.

Which is not mine.

Nor have I ever seen it before.

No, no one else has been wearing my pants.

I can't figure it out and it kind of gave me the wiggins just now. In a minute I'm going to go glue gold-leaf-crap to a little artist's model hand...
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So here's something that might be pretty cool or might suck:

Sky Captain trailer

Either way, check out the giant robots!! I LOVE giant robots!!! Teeheeheehee! (note the girlie, childlike tittering)
Also a plus: androgynous-style Angelina Jolie. Woo yes. With an eye-patch! Like a pirate!

I'm excitable today.

I went to the bookstore and spent a long time looking through a whole bunch of photo...
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So, this was weird.
I'm home now, and Emory came to visit his family for a few days. I was hanging out with him when his old, old grandmother comes tottering in. She can't see my lip ring so well, so she asks, "Is that a cold sore or did Emory pop you one?"

She says this in all seriousness.

I say that, heh heh,...
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Pretty weird. In my own experience its been very difficult to decide how to deal with people who are both (a) elderly family members of people I'm dating and (b) seriously fucked up. My last girlfriend's grandfather used to make crass sexual jokes around us - something I found sort of funny in a fuck-the-social-conventions George Carlin kind of way until I found out that decades earlier the guy had molested his kids. I never really figured out how to respond to the guy after that, and so I ended up studiously avoiding him. Of course with your bf's grandmother its different because she's the victim not the perpetrator, but still I imagine conversations with her are more than a bit awkward.

Yeah, that was lame.
But hey! Happy New Year and all.
Great day out today... Think I'll go be photographery in the village.

I've had enough of the mountain for a while. Just about every muscle is very, very sore. My whole lower body, of course... Even my bicepts are screaming from every time I had to push myself off the ground.

This has reminded...
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I hope you've all got more fun plans than I've got tonight. Still in Colorado. The people who own this house are having a party thing tonight. A lot of wealthy middle aged people I've never met are coming over. My plan was to sit in my room and watch Buffy on the portable DVD player, but my sister and her friend have grabbed the...
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Well, I sure suck.

My knees are fucking purple... Haven't been on a snowboard in two years, and I wasn't that amazing then, either. The purple knees are from my decision to conquer my fear of toe-side. It didn't really work, because now I KNOW FOR A FACT that I will fall and die when I get too zealous with the leaning of forward. Because...
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The Gandalf tattoo sounds awesome, I was thinking I'd steal something from an illustrated Tolkein book or a map for mine.