The rat who was sitting nicely on my shoulder just stole my earring and ran away. I'm going to have to kill her now.

Hey Erika!

Hee hee.
Man... Feel weird today. Took a nap but it didn't help. In fact, now I feel worse weird. I don't think my body fits right today and I can't seem to focus on anything for very long. After about two minutes I get all twitchy and have to find something new to fuss about. Eh. Shouldn't take naps in late afternoon. Makes me feel all...
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On the topic of Degrassi (sweet sweet Degrassi) --
Asa: this show has so many characters
Jeff: it's like "War and Peace"

Annnnyway. Been away from the puter for a few days... I get back to it and sweet mother mary, there's a Morgan and Edea set! Niiiice

Back at school. Wow, this might be the last time I ever really get to say that....
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It's so good to be back.

Watching Firefly dvds and feeding my rats cream cheese because I enjoy spoiling them and make them big squishy fatties.

Frank bought me cookies in Hawaii. Mmm, Hawaii cookies.
With macadamian nuts? Mm, macadamian nuts smile.
Firefly kicks ass.
Still advocating Pop Gun War. popgunwar.com
There's just something about it...

I'm all packed up but I don't leave for many hours. I don't know what to do with myself.

I randomly bought Fillerbunny comics for Lauren yesterday because I knew she was looking for them. Apparently it was a good move because now she says she got me something. Crap! I didn't know we...
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New favorite thing is the graphic novel Pop Gun War by Farel Dalrymple. It's beautiful and sad and sweet and really got to me, even though it's a little abstract.

and HEY. He's not only gonna be at the APE thingie, but he's apparently having a show of some sort at Meltdown this February. I can totally go to that with my magical driving machine!...
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My friend Ariel's dad was so bothered by her unshorn pits that he gives her fifty bucks a month to shave em.

Hee hee hee.

In other news, my old friend Sarah is apparently no fun anymore. What's up with that?
I'm kind of weird about blood. It's not that I'm disgusted or terrified of it, it's more like I... value it more? No, that's not right. It's hard to explain. I feel like blood is the most personal intimate thing ever. Not sexually intimate, just... Okay, well, you cut yourself and you bleed, right? That blood has been inside your heart. It's been in each...
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So here are some things that fall under the heading of "Leave 'Em Alone, You Horrible Bastards."

First of all, one of my little sister's friends just got busted for downloading MP3s. At 6:30 a.m., people came into the house of this 10 year old boy--without even knocking, you know--and took the family computer. And he's getting hugely fined, naturally. 10 year old kid. Poor...
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Actually this is how it happens in most cities..The artist come into an affordable area...this area generally becomes really cool really fast. The property becomes to expensive for the artists and they move to another area. I feel that the River Bottoms will be next.
Peer Guardian stops those fucking fascist at the RIAA.
Peer Guardian
Did you hear that the RIAA is now massing their own police force? They shake people down for having CDs they suspect may be illegal. It should be illegal, but they never say "we're the police." They just pretend.

AUGH! I'M BLEEDING! MY CERVIX IS HEMORRHAGING! Oh wait. It's supposed to do that.

I must say that one of the few perks of this retched ortho-tricyclene is that my period is always light and fluffy and tame. Like a gineau pig (except not so much terrified of everything all the time). That is nice.
But even that won't keep me from pitching these blasted...
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Are you taking birth control? Is that what ortho is?