Liz is gonna have her baby real, real soon. She put my hand on different places on her belly and you could feel little bumps and angles... Like, maybe his feets? Wow. So neat. When Liz and I were 10, we used to catch frogs together, so I bought her a little newborn onsie outfit with frogs on it. Awww. So cute. Anyway. That's coming soon. Little boy. No name yet.
Guess what I got to put in my vag? "Instead" cups! Love them. I've always felt crappy and crampy during my period, but now I realize that it was my gutses cramping up around the tampon. Because with these new things, I don't get all icky-feeling. And hey! Now I no longer have toxic chemicals soaking into the walls of my vag! (Look it up. Bad stuff. You soak that shit right up). Also, you can wear em a lot longer than a tampon without dying of TSS.
Know what else I love? Air America Radio.
Love that Janeane Garofolo. And Al Franken. Yay. And they had my graduation speaker, Gloria Steinem, on the show. Hurray.
Check out the photo work of Mark Kessel:
I'm too busy to think about not-thesis for another second.
Guess what I got to put in my vag? "Instead" cups! Love them. I've always felt crappy and crampy during my period, but now I realize that it was my gutses cramping up around the tampon. Because with these new things, I don't get all icky-feeling. And hey! Now I no longer have toxic chemicals soaking into the walls of my vag! (Look it up. Bad stuff. You soak that shit right up). Also, you can wear em a lot longer than a tampon without dying of TSS.
Know what else I love? Air America Radio.
Love that Janeane Garofolo. And Al Franken. Yay. And they had my graduation speaker, Gloria Steinem, on the show. Hurray.
Check out the photo work of Mark Kessel:
I'm too busy to think about not-thesis for another second.