I hope you've all got more fun plans than I've got tonight. Still in Colorado. The people who own this house are having a party thing tonight. A lot of wealthy middle aged people I've never met are coming over. My plan was to sit in my room and watch Buffy on the portable DVD player, but my sister and her friend have grabbed the machine first, so now I don't really know what I'm going to do. Sadness.
I gots my leetle phone all charged up, but I don't really feel like I should call anyone--everybody's got actual plans tonight, I'm sure.. Rrrr.
Self-pity, self-pity, etc etc.
I gots my leetle phone all charged up, but I don't really feel like I should call anyone--everybody's got actual plans tonight, I'm sure.. Rrrr.
Self-pity, self-pity, etc etc.