Give new artists a fighting chance!: SuicideGirls... "Poetry Kicks Ass"
Check your attitude at the door.... I thought the idea of this community was to lose the sorority girl/guy... Barbie/Ken.... snobbery! An artist is an artist is a poet is a musician is a lyricist is a writer is a.... oh wait, I'm sorry do you have a PHD to go with those credentials? Keep writing! Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough! Think about the person who just posted their first poem today in one of our groups and has been scared to do so until now.
Check your attitude at the door.... I thought the idea of this community was to lose the sorority girl/guy... Barbie/Ken.... snobbery! An artist is an artist is a poet is a musician is a lyricist is a writer is a.... oh wait, I'm sorry do you have a PHD to go with those credentials? Keep writing! Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough! Think about the person who just posted their first poem today in one of our groups and has been scared to do so until now.

Welcome!!! I hope you enjoy your trip in SG as much as I am!!!

You now own the Singers group.