In a world where everybody is ruining franchises and movie sequels by broadening their appeal and trying to target a wider audience, it's refreshing to see that Jhonen Vasquez is narrowing his focus and trying his best to alienate the bulk of the buying public.
His three most recent books are the "Filler Bunny" comics. Issues 1 and 2 would surely be viewed by most...
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His three most recent books are the "Filler Bunny" comics. Issues 1 and 2 would surely be viewed by most...
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i fart in your general direction
whooooaaaa crazy shit!!
i miss my head pigeons.
DENTIST! As in, I just got a root canal (not root anal you pervs) (also, not anal rot). Normally the dentist office is akin to anal rot, but this time, I was on nitrous. A very pleasant experience indeed. Thanks to a benifits package at work, I don't even have to pay as much. Life is better than horrible.
Now, as a treat to myself,...
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Now, as a treat to myself,...
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theraputic massages are where it's all at!
you are making me laugh. i think that i should replace all my footwear with stylish kleenex boxes and start a new trend. verrrry sexy.
you are making me laugh. i think that i should replace all my footwear with stylish kleenex boxes and start a new trend. verrrry sexy.
Just finished watching "the Fog of War", a documaentary on Robert McNemara, and the role he played in the cold war and vietnam war. He is such a fascinating old man, and at 85 years old, still very astute and "with it". As much as he is responsible for instigating (as well as getting out of serious trouble) I respect the way he holds himself...
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you're not cool, unless you have pencil in your eye!
my dearest shovelface...where have you gone?
Horray! My friends DNA and RNA came over today and Ribonucleic Acid hung out and did internet stuff whilst Deoxy Ribonuleic Acid and I played videdo games. It were lots of fun.
We had little dinner parties the last couple of days too so that has been just grand (thousand).
Dan came up with an interesting point the other night while watching his crazy rambunxious...
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We had little dinner parties the last couple of days too so that has been just grand (thousand).
Dan came up with an interesting point the other night while watching his crazy rambunxious...
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Hey everybody! I just uploaded some photos. You should all go look at them. (just don't look too closely)
My aunt and uncle are down for easter to visit, and my aunt informed my friend Greg that she had her first cigarette in his orange Volvo, way back when she was on a camping trip with his dad (among other people.) This was before the...
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My aunt and uncle are down for easter to visit, and my aunt informed my friend Greg that she had her first cigarette in his orange Volvo, way back when she was on a camping trip with his dad (among other people.) This was before the...
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give me both...i'll decide which to eat later
*laughs* yeah, this is the exact scenario going through my head. ughh. i dont know what to do with myself.
ps. nice pictures :p
ps. nice pictures :p
Long story short. Don't bother watching "Employee of the Month".
pfft I'm not gonna balete you, silly.
is Employee of the Month a show?
ps--haha i always listen to subliminal messages
[Edited on Mar 25, 2005 9:30PM]
is Employee of the Month a show?
ps--haha i always listen to subliminal messages
[Edited on Mar 25, 2005 9:30PM]
are you feeling better?
Okay, I just can not stop listening to "The Arcade Fire". A friend reccommended them to me and it's ruining my life cause everything else sounds mundane now. Possibly my new favorite band.
I've been sick recently, so I haven't been around much, and a friends mom passed away last weekend, so we've been dealing with that.
I've really been enjoying work recently. Things are...
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I've been sick recently, so I haven't been around much, and a friends mom passed away last weekend, so we've been dealing with that.
I've really been enjoying work recently. Things are...
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it was crazy. crazy indeed.
i hope i find him again one day.
i hope i find him again one day.
atticstar: seem to have the same cravings i do when it comes to being sick and borrowing together with someone in a big bundle of blankets pillows and bed while watching movies
sounds so nice
sounds so nice
Today I begin my "Chronology of Pain: A discourse in the history of my relationships" series. It takes place in the "Testimonials" folder, because, after all who uses that thing anyways? Feel free to go check it out, and comment. Pictures and evidence are soon to follow, so keep checking back.
Tonight we begin with "Chapter 1: Sarah". Sarah will be the topic of numerous...
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Tonight we begin with "Chapter 1: Sarah". Sarah will be the topic of numerous...
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the first girl i made out with was named sarah too.....
hey, thanks for the comments! sorry i took so long to respond...i'm not on here so much these days.
someone is making a painting of one of the pics from the cat casserole! i'm so flattered. it's the one of sheri with a river of cleavage, wearing a pair of yellow rubber gloves and holding the cat down on the floor.
someone is making a painting of one of the pics from the cat casserole! i'm so flattered. it's the one of sheri with a river of cleavage, wearing a pair of yellow rubber gloves and holding the cat down on the floor.
My friend sent me an e-mail consisting of the following text. Seeing as how I don't really have anything to say right now, I will let it speak for itself. I find it very amusing.
"Last night I had a dream that I was taking care of a little girl. We were in a mall coffee shop which had no pies left, or any other...
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"Last night I had a dream that I was taking care of a little girl. We were in a mall coffee shop which had no pies left, or any other...
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it's better than an ice pick
the distressed look is in.. course..i'm not exactly furniture but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do on cold wintery nights
the distressed look is in.. course..i'm not exactly furniture but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do on cold wintery nights