Just finished watching "the Fog of War", a documaentary on Robert McNemara, and the role he played in the cold war and vietnam war. He is such a fascinating old man, and at 85 years old, still very astute and "with it". As much as he is responsible for instigating (as well as getting out of serious trouble) I respect the way he holds himself accountable and takes responsibility for his actions.
It's really amazing to see how the decisions of such a few fallable human beings can affect all humanity for years to come, and how the actions of rational men can bring the world to the brink of destruction.
I'm frightened.
It's really amazing to see how the decisions of such a few fallable human beings can affect all humanity for years to come, and how the actions of rational men can bring the world to the brink of destruction.
I'm frightened.
you're not cool, unless you have pencil in your eye!
my dearest shovelface...where have you gone?