- on shovelface's page
- on shovelface's page
I don't know what I'm saying anymore.
both...AND kids.
Sorry I've been so absent recently. I decided that my bike still wasn't scratched and bent enough. Yup... I crashed again. I decided to get a better run up this time though. 2 months ago I had my first crash at about 80-100 klicks. This time, I tried getting off at about 200 kmph. You would think that might be a good way of hurting...
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where have you been all my life!
ahw. i'm sorry to hear that.
you should move out here and we can be stupid and useless together.
and throw stones at the nighbourhood children.
i'm more like one of those metal allen keys included in products that require assembly, along with too many extra bolts that you never end up using and then think that you put it together wrong. then once finished, my existance is forget and i'm never used again. just left to collect dust. that's me.
you should move out here and we can be stupid and useless together.
and throw stones at the nighbourhood children.
i'm more like one of those metal allen keys included in products that require assembly, along with too many extra bolts that you never end up using and then think that you put it together wrong. then once finished, my existance is forget and i'm never used again. just left to collect dust. that's me.
Ug. I've been really busy, what with fixing my bike, getting to the track, working, friends that just got home... Wow. Got another track day on Wednesday, and I need new tires before then. It takes a lot of work to make this all happen. I just want you all to know, that I still care about you, and I'm thinking about you.

i'd prefer beavers, if you please

heh, ahw thanks!

Okay, here's the awesomest thing to ever happen.
Story- As an electrician I often have to go into unsavory places to string wires for electrical devices (ie-plugs, switches and the sort.). Such places might consist of an attic, or underneath a mobile home if your karma hates you. The worst place I've found so far was at this one old house that my ex-girlfriend and...
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Story- As an electrician I often have to go into unsavory places to string wires for electrical devices (ie-plugs, switches and the sort.). Such places might consist of an attic, or underneath a mobile home if your karma hates you. The worst place I've found so far was at this one old house that my ex-girlfriend and...
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well you take the cake. Rivers overflowing with crap and now this story.
You are one brave man. You may have bruises but your ever so exciting tale of mystery and drama is an awesome one to tell.
Although it probably didnt seem so at the time.
May you be consisdered a electric hero
You are one brave man. You may have bruises but your ever so exciting tale of mystery and drama is an awesome one to tell.
Although it probably didnt seem so at the time.
May you be consisdered a electric hero

sounds like everything's coming up millhouse's dad on your end

Not much of an update. I'm sick as hell. Bleargh.
My friend Andrew came home from Korea on Monday. Whee. I missed him. Also, My other friend Nathan and his wife Steph got home from Germany with their new Baby. Everybody's home. It's time to celebrate, so I think I'll get really sick and stay at home alone and throw up.
My friend Andrew came home from Korea on Monday. Whee. I missed him. Also, My other friend Nathan and his wife Steph got home from Germany with their new Baby. Everybody's home. It's time to celebrate, so I think I'll get really sick and stay at home alone and throw up.
i'm sorry you're sick. poor dear.
but even more reason for you to come to the party! you can puke on everyone and get everyone else sick! yes!
and the couch is nothing for face lines. my bed is all corderoy too. i wake up with a striped face everyday, because yes. im just that hardcore.
and i wont quit whining until it grows another inch or two. but its not so bad. i missed having it stand out a foot from my head. yeahhh big hair.
feel better dahhhrling

i'm sorry you're sick. poor dear.
but even more reason for you to come to the party! you can puke on everyone and get everyone else sick! yes!
and the couch is nothing for face lines. my bed is all corderoy too. i wake up with a striped face everyday, because yes. im just that hardcore.
and i wont quit whining until it grows another inch or two. but its not so bad. i missed having it stand out a foot from my head. yeahhh big hair.
feel better dahhhrling

well get better soon, cause it cant last forever.
to make it a bit easier

Been listening to some Weakerthans lately. My, what a songwriter that John K. Samson is. I wish that I could be like him. The master lyricist that makes feminists swoon and sensitive boys cry.
Instead I come up with this drivel. I'd best just sleep it off, it's what I do best after all.
S'later all.
Instead I come up with this drivel. I'd best just sleep it off, it's what I do best after all.
S'later all.
oh no, not at all. not in the least!
care to join me? :p
care to join me? :p
YOU sir, are no lady
but you could be conspiring with the pita lady to make my wraps a saucy affair..

but you could be conspiring with the pita lady to make my wraps a saucy affair..
I am hopelessly addicted to this game. Oh, yeah. The show is awsome too. It's produced by Bob Odenkirk, and it has cameos by David Cross, and Jack Black as well. Funny stuff. The game is fun too.
A cyber fantasy of ideation
Idea Volleyball
A cyber fantasy of ideation
Idea Volleyball
I nearly burned a tanning bed to the ground at work today. NOT MY FAULT! I call "factory defect" on this one.
Exciting, no?
Exciting, no?
grin. so apparently it's the xcountry wagon. hot stuff huh? plenty o room in the back 

heh, its all about the scandal. it keeps things interesting :p
and you can rename the districts! please, for the love of god name them!!!
and you can rename the districts! please, for the love of god name them!!!
Went to the cousins wedding in Winnipeg this weekend where I have never witnessed so many beautiful girls in one place. I was supposed to be meeting this one bridesmaid, according to everyone. That never happened because
A- I'm a big fat chicken
B- She was there with someone else
I have also never met so many beautiful girls that already have boyfriends.
Stopped in...
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A- I'm a big fat chicken
B- She was there with someone else
I have also never met so many beautiful girls that already have boyfriends.
Stopped in...
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apparently i'm going to be half as dumb as suv drivers for a couple months..
t&s: i'm going to have to steal her from beneath your nose
she's too adorable to share

t&s: i'm going to have to steal her from beneath your nose

hehe isn't it though?
i'm pleased with it. oh so pleased.
lol omlette's a good word.
you never cease to make me chuckle :p
i'm pleased with it. oh so pleased.
lol omlette's a good word.
you never cease to make me chuckle :p
Yup. Crashed my bike at the racetrack this week. Bent the forks, ratched the newly painted race fairing. Tried to dig a trench through the gravel with my face. The helmet is fooked. But my precious little face in unscarred. (I know, you were all really worried.)
It was actually an interesting experience. Didn't hurt a bit, and I have enough spare parts to get...
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It was actually an interesting experience. Didn't hurt a bit, and I have enough spare parts to get...
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it's good to hear that precious mug of yours didn't suffer any injuries

In a world where everybody is ruining franchises and movie sequels by broadening their appeal and trying to target a wider audience, it's refreshing to see that Jhonen Vasquez is narrowing his focus and trying his best to alienate the bulk of the buying public.
His three most recent books are the "Filler Bunny" comics. Issues 1 and 2 would surely be viewed by most...
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His three most recent books are the "Filler Bunny" comics. Issues 1 and 2 would surely be viewed by most...
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i fart in your general direction
whooooaaaa crazy shit!!
i miss my head pigeons.