So on holidays my little brother and I still exchange presents. He'll be 18 soon.
Well, I usually get him condoms because, well he's 17.
So, last weekend we were all talking and he says, " You don't want to hear this but I got to tell you because you always buy me condoms."
I'm thinking she's pregnant. Boy, was I wrong.
He continues to say, "I can't use any of those condoms"
So I replied, "Why are you allergic?"
He says, "No regular condoms are to small for me"
Then, he apologized and chuckled.
I had no idea what to say.
Well, I usually get him condoms because, well he's 17.
So, last weekend we were all talking and he says, " You don't want to hear this but I got to tell you because you always buy me condoms."
I'm thinking she's pregnant. Boy, was I wrong.
He continues to say, "I can't use any of those condoms"
So I replied, "Why are you allergic?"
He says, "No regular condoms are to small for me"
Then, he apologized and chuckled.
I had no idea what to say.
Holy awkward moment

Try durex Avanti. Larger than Magnum and polyurethane, so more durable. Bonus: safe for latex-allergic partners.