Dear Mr. President. You said "I" a whole lot in your speech. Congratulations, YOU sent out orders, YOU decided there was enough information, YOU are a huge arrogant douche bag that didn't thank troops or even give them credit for the last 10 years. Why don't YOU try watching YOUR loved ones get deployed to a war zone?! Why don't YOU go overseas for long months at a time? Why don't YOU explain to the American people that our troops will still be in danger, and the war is far from over. I HAVE NO RESPECT LEFT FOR YOU AT ALL. I'm also worried about what the rest of al-Qaeda is going to attack us, on our own soil. Congratulations, Mr. President, YOU did a wonderful job. I'll just go pack MY veterans lunch for tomorrow.
PS:I'm very happy Bin Laden is dead, but think about what is going to happen is al-Qaeda retaliates. Will they bomb us? will more troops be stuck overseas? This war is FARRRR from over and we are NOT SAFE.
PSSS: If you're looking for a happier blog I wrote a long one on April 29th with pictures.
PS:I'm very happy Bin Laden is dead, but think about what is going to happen is al-Qaeda retaliates. Will they bomb us? will more troops be stuck overseas? This war is FARRRR from over and we are NOT SAFE.
PSSS: If you're looking for a happier blog I wrote a long one on April 29th with pictures.
On a more serious note. Politicains and higher up with more public acess always claim that thier involvement was critical. They claim the credit and forget about the people who are in the trenches, and are ass-deep in the suck. The spew that nonsense to the public and 80% of the population believes that crap. Obama isn't the only one to do it he's just the latest in a string of Ass-clowns who's douchebaggery knows no end.
Its the nature of the beast if you serve then, you learn to deal with it quick or go insane. Its why we are so tight, its why we congratulate each other, its why we do foolishness that most people don't understand. its because we earned it.
I totally agree with your concerns. I have the same ones. Its not over my a long shot but, I've realize awhile ago that society has a very short attention span. In 2 weeks they will forget all about the danger, and that's if they even understand that we are still in danger in the first place. you can try to explain it to other people but, even if they listen and say they understand. Until you've been there you can't truly wrap your brain around it.