Well I had my second photoshoot yesterday and it was awesome. It was soo much fun! I had one thursday as well, but havent got my pictures yet. I posted some pics from my shoot yesterday. Check them out and tell me what you think. I have more shoots this week so I will have some more pics soon. Thanks!

Samantha biggrin
So my puppy is gone! We got rid of her Saturday. frown . Everything is all good though. yesterday was my birthday and I did nothing. But saturday night I went out and got wasted and I dont remember a lot. puke I wish I could remember a lot of things, but I only remember doing a few shots off of my friends boobs. it was awesome.
(Late) Happy Birthday! biggrin

P.S.: ...and I can relate to an interest in boobs wink
So I was so excited in my last post about getting my dog. Well we have had her for about 2 weeks and we have to get rid of her. My husband is having allergic reactions to her so we cant keep her. I'm so sad because I really don't want to get rid of her, but what can you do? Well we are selling...
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oh my god, if only it were august, i would take her. unfortunately, i'm still living in a pet-unfriendly apartment. sorry it didn't work out. i know it'll be hard to part with her.
So I'm getting a dog! I'm so excited! You have no idea how excited I am. She will be here on Wednesday. She is a purebred Miniature Pinscher.

Umm, lets see, I'm also going to Florida next weekend to visit my sister. She is graduating from college. I, on the other hand, just started school. I'm studying to become an Animal Care Specialist. I'm just...
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hi, thanks for commenting my blog, I'll do the same for you smile I've lived in manassas for about 5 years now, I lived in Woodbridge before that for about 6 years, and before thaaat I lived in Maryland for my childhood years. So i'm a DC area kid. What about you? How long have you lived in Annandale?

PS I really do love your hair. It looks really good.
Thats cool, southern girls are the best!!
So I'm getting a dog! I'm so excited. She will be here Wednesday. she is a pure bred Miniature Pinscher. You have no idea how excited I am. Also, I'm going to Florida next weekend to see my sister. She is graduating from college. I, on the other hand, just started school. I'm learning to become an Animal Care Specialist. I'm excited about that too....
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So it's been a long time since I have said anything. Still not much going on. I bought a 57" DLP tv, bought a home theater system, my aunt passed away last week, and I got fired from my job. So at least half of my time was good. I'm GREAT!

How are you?
Sounds a bit mixed...
Sorry about the aunt but congrats on the tv..jobs are easy to find.best of luck and good to hear from ya. kiss
Merry Christmas to everybody!!! smile Hope you get everything you want!
Happy Thanksgiving !!!! I know it's kind of late considering Thanksgiving is almost over, will be in another 10 minutes.

I have no idea how to cook that well, but I made a good damn Thanksgiving dinner. biggrin
I am back....my computer is busted but I'm using my laptop...
yay for wierd wireless computers!
You didn't bust up the 'puter on someone did ya...?
Well I am moving Saturday, so I might not be on for a while. I will be back as soon as possible...Don't miss me too much wink smile