I know I'm late on this one but it's such a fun idea for homework that I had to do it! Thanks @missy & @rambo!
I've never been that person that has a go-to superpower that they'd want, they way some people have always wanted to fly, or be a healer, or what have you. Honestly, I've always thought mundane superpowers would be the best to have, since I know I won't be out there fighting crime or joining the X-Men - I'm not coordinated or strong enough for any super team to want me haha. Seriously, though, how cool would 'never having to do, fold, or put away laundry' be as a superpower? That's the kind of shit that I'd love.
I figured, though, that for this homework I should probably pick an 'actual' superpower, so I chose something that's a bit of both awesome & mundane (in that it can be used in mundane ways) - teleportation. I don't necessarily need to be porting through hell like Nightcrawler, any type of teleportation will do (except the evil Star Trek kind where it creates a doppelgänger of you and then KILLS YOU...but this isn't the place for that discussion haha).
Anyway - I think teleportation would be an awesome power to have. You could avoid traffic & travel times all together, it would be so rad to be able to just blink myself to work or a shot or a con...seriously, that would improve my quality of life immensely. Plus, you could use it get out of bad situations - away from an attacker or sketchy part of town, out from under falling debris before it can hit you, stuff like that. Plus, I'd never have to unlock my front door again - I could just teleport inside!
So yes, I chose something that's super, but that I'd mostly use in mundane ways, because that's how I roll. I'm excited to go read about everyone else's superpowers now! :3